New to smokeing pipe need help!

in Pipes
I have only smoked a few bowls from my first pipe. I was looking to get a new pipe that looked different. I was looking around on internet, seen them on ebay and they are brand new pipes for only a few bucks($5-$10) compared to other places. Why is that, different type of wood/brand? What wood/brand is the best to use? Also should I use a differeny pipe for the different types of tobacco such as aromatic and english. I am in Afghanstan and hate to mess up the only pipe I have and wait weeks for a new one. Want to make one order and get it right. Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
If so perhaps we can help get you some supplies including Cigars.
The really cheap pipes are probably not using Briar wood. It is the only wood I recommend using. I've bought other pipes that weren't wood and they all wound up splitting.
I'll send you a pm as to sources for pipes that you can trust. Also what are your preferences on tobacco?