A question about Nightcap
How dry does Nightcap come in the tin? I just tried it for the first time and it seemed very dry. Too dry really. I know preferences differ, etc. and I'll try hydrating some anyway just to experiment, but I'm curious if Nightcap usually comes dry or if I just got an off tin.
Smoking this blend too fast will make it smoke hot and the perique will cause tongue bite too. I have smoked a few tins of this and I find if smoked slowly it lasts a long time and is a nice long relaxing smoke.
This could happen but I wonder, when you opened the tin did you hear the seal break? If so it should have been fine. If not then yes, most likely that is the problem. rehydrate just a little at a time. It will take less then you think it will to get it back to a normal Rh.