Pre-pipe buying questions

in Pipes
Ok I've been reading on starting up smoking a pipe . Unfortunately there isn't a pipe 101 like there is in the cigar part of the forums . I do have a few questions if anyone could help me answer , besides how long the session will last is there any difference in how large the bowl head is? Also is there a difference in length of stems? And I noticed a rolled paper in the stem of a few pipes I looked at , does it really matter if I leave the paper in there or should I take it out ?
With cigars, you bought a larger humidor. With pipes, you'll buy more pipes. Since you can spend anywhere from $40 - $400 easily, what's the difference?
Who made it? That's part of the cost sometimes. Also, there are different grades of briar, #1 is the old, hard, heavy, last forever but hard to work briar, #3 is, I think, the lowest. Lighter and therefore less durable. Then there are meerschaums, also with various grades and manufacturing techniques. I think that someone talked about those in the "Pipe Tips for Cigar Guys" thread, which I started as a counterpoint to Cigar 101.
One of my favorite pipes, full right now, cost me $19.95 on sale, I've smoked it regularly for 10 years. One of my other favorites cost me $90 in 1985, bought in Europe, #1 briar, still smoking perfectly. Point is, you don't have to spend a fortune, but if you do, it lasts forever. And, if you don't, it lasts nearly forever.