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Give A Shout-out To....

VisionVision Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,701
I think this could be a cool thread to just say thank you to a member (doesn't have to be a bomb or cigars, could just be a little help here or there....) or a shout out to your local B&M or CCOM ETC....Lets see if this catches on.

I will reply first.... as I have a few I need to thank.


  • VisionVision Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,701
    I just want to give a shout out to the guys up at the Federal Cigar in Plaistow NH. They replaced my lighter today after going to a place closer to me (I wont name names but I will never go back to any one of their "2" stores.... even tho they have more then two stores) they literally said that my spitting sputtering lighter was ok and it was probably just me...... even tho it happened to the guy working there. Federal has never once treated me like an idiot (which I am) or talked down or back to me. I will bring my business only to them.

    I also had an issue with a "Bid" site. The 5 pack of Obsidians I won DIRT CHEAP was on back order. (is it in bad taste to name them?... not sprintsale) and they told me "Pick the size you like and we will ship it right out" I won the Gordo and said "If you have the White Noise I will take them... ", even tho they sell for $15 more.... The woman said "We will ship them right out". Great customer service at two stand up places!!!
  • twistedstemtwistedstem Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,691
    well theres alot of good folks here so hard to just pick out any one or two.but wanna give a shout out to the brothers.some have answered so many questions for me over the last year.others kind words of advice.and many laughs at some of the craziset posts iv ever read.thank you for this thread wonderful idae brother.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Toombs just knocked some teeth loose, he is a great bork!
  • RhamlinRhamlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,530
    No way I could just pick one name. There's just been to darn many that have been there when times were hard. And I'd be afraid of leaving someone out. Love you guys!
  • VisionVision Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,701
    No way I could just pick one name. There's just been to darn many that have been there when times were hard. And I'd be afraid of leaving someone out. Love you guys!

    I think this could be a moving forward thing... I dont think many, if any of us could just say thank you to one person for all they have done for us.... MIke got me, like most, started down this road leading to my wineador and we all couldnt thank him enough for what he is done turning passer-bys into 2500 posters. I was hoping it will turn into more like .......

    I just want to say thank you to Dustin for always answering my dumb a.s.s questions and helping getting my wineador seasoned. Thank you Dustin for all your help!!

    And dont be afraid of changing the Subject to something like Give a Shout Out to Dustin
  • VisionVision Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,701
  • RhamlinRhamlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,530
    No way I could just pick one name. There's just been to darn many that have been there when times were hard. And I'd be afraid of leaving someone out. Love you guys!

    I think this could be a moving forward thing... I dont think many, if any of us could just say thank you to one person for all they have done for us.... MIke got me, like most, started down this road leading to my wineador and we all couldnt thank him enough for what he is done turning passer-bys into 2500 posters. I was hoping it will tune into more like .......

    I just want to say thank you to Dustin for always answering my dumb a.s.s questions and helping getting my wineador seasoned. Thank you Dustin for all your help!!

    And dont be afraid of changing the Subject to something like Give a Shout Out to Dustin
    Gotcha! I misunderstood. In that case I want to give Ddubridge (Drew) a big shout out for turning me on to some Kitty Litter. I'm loving that stuff!
  • kingjk729kingjk729 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,487
    I like to send a ridiculous huge shout out to homie on the West Coast ........ The one and only Daniel Reyes ..... Broseph has been very generous to everyone here and has always hooked me up huge ..... Thanks brother ...... You have some trouble heading you're way.
  • BamablowsBamablows Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 337
    I second for Daniel Reyes. He wouldn't let me pay him for stogie stands, weird huh?
  • Bob LukenBob Luken Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    I won't start naming names because I might leave somebody out. So, my first shout out on this thread goes to everybody here on the forum. All of you guys that have been so welcoming and generous with good advice, good information, and good cigars. I feel like I've come farther along in my stogie education in the past few months than I have in whole time I've been smoking cigars. My hat is off to all you guys. Thanks.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    For starting the Shout Out thread
  • VisionVision Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,701
    I need to give a shout out to Rob Green... Crazy cat brings in his herf-a-dor filled with primi-prim-primo stuff and offers up a Padron 64 Lonsdale for a morning smoke..... Awesome cat right there!
  • Glock1975Glock1975 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,372
    Give a shout out to 1 of my brothers who hasn't been around lately, Brett " IrishMan" miss u buddy come back soon.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    Ebony & Ivory cause they go together in perfect.Ohhh and Pops for the love of cigars, sports memorabilia and his family!!....
    Shane being a Seahawk fan!!
    MVW=Awesome guy!
    Korean Clint cause he's cool
    Bonecrusher/Karen Carpenter who needs to get his A$$ bombed
    Drew cause he scores great beer along with Johnny 5...Thanks so much
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    (even though i know he will never see this) Mattie cupcakes. not only does he know more about cigars than anyone i have ever met, but he helped me develop my palate and helped me get to Nicaragua. thank you. without you my cigar knowledge would be nothing.

    our main man Alex Svenson. some of the insight i have received from you is priceless. the tips, the info, the cigars, the experience of this forum. all of it. there is no amount of "thank you" that can cover it all. I hope one day to meet you in person. with any luck it will be sooner rather than later and in a tobacco field or cigar factory.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    No way I could just pick one name. There's just been to darn many that have been there when times were hard. And I'd be afraid of leaving someone out. Love you guys!

    Too many to name !
  • VisionVision Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,701
    I just want to thank Joe (thedjfish) for the stickers. He made the wineador look complete! I havent forgotten about you!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    One of the best brothers to ever be a part of the forum, jOz3r.. Joe hasn't been around for a long time. Gone since December for personal reasons, but he sent me a box of La Aurora 1495 1994 Cameroon Coronas. Some of you may be familiar with this cigar, these were a very limited edition of their 1495 cigar with a Cameroon wrapper harvested in 1994.

    These has not been available since 2008 and will in all likelihood never be available again, and yet he saw fit to send me a box with no expectations or recompense expected.
    This has to be my favorite cigar I ever smoked. It is amazing. I thought I would never see these again. I am thankful beyond words. Joe, if you happen to read this. the words thank you are too small to express my appreciation.
  • danielzreyesdanielzreyes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,739
    One of the best brothers to ever be a part of the forum, jOz3r.. Joe hasn't been around for a long time. Gone since December for personal reasons, but he sent me a box of La Aurora 1495 1994 Cameroon Coronas. Some of you may be familiar with this cigar, these were a very limited edition of there 1495 cigar with a Cameroon wrapper harvested in 1994.

    These has not been available since 2008 and will in all likelihood never be available again, and yet he saw fit to send me a box with no expectations or recompense expected.
    This has to be my favorite cigar I ever smoked. It is amazing. I thought I would never see these again. I am thankful beyond words. Joe, if you happen to read this. the words thank you are too small to express my appreciation.
    Joe is a great guy. He personally invited me to a So Ca herf. Been attending ever since.
  • smoke em if you got emsmoke em if you got em Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,119
    Just want to give a shout out to my wife (she will never read this)..tomorrow we will be celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary...I love you booboo

    I would also like to give a shout out to the ccom forum..tomorrow will also be my 3 year anniversary as a member of this here great forum. Much love to the great peeps I have met over the years both online and in person!!
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Congratulations on both of your anniversaries. Do you have a good smoke to enjoy? Anything you're looking to try?
  • smoke em if you got emsmoke em if you got em Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,119
    Thanks James. I plan on burning a DPG 10th anniversary when I have time. Probably Sunday or Monday.
  • smoke em if you got emsmoke em if you got em Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,119
    Congratulations on both of your anniversaries. Do you have a good smoke to enjoy? Anything you're looking to try?
    hey just realized your 3 year is today. How cool is that? Shout outs to you James!!
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Oh wow. How about that. Thanks bro. I guess yer safe for now.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    smoke em if you got em:
    Just want to give a shout out to my wife (she will never read this)..tomorrow we will be celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary...I love you booboo

    I would also like to give a shout out to the ccom forum..tomorrow will also be my 3 year anniversary as a member of this here great forum. Much love to the great peeps I have met over the years both online and in person!!
    Our pleasure to have dealt with you!!
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    Oh wow. How about that. Thanks bro. I guess yer safe for now.
    Congrats to another great guy on the forum!!
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Many thanks to CCOM's Looney Left contingent!

    Y'all have no idea.

    This has been a tough year, financially, for us. Ever have "one of those years"?

    With the shoulder surgery, we knew we were going to be down by about $8,000 in earnings, and of course, as soon as I couldn't do anything about it, we were hit with about another 4G in unexpected expenses. The lightning strike that took out 80% of our electronics was just insult on top of injury.

    So, yesterday I go to the mailbox, and think "mm, she's ordered something from Amazon"

    Not so, a box from Raisindot, containing more boxes from Vulchor, Pellirojo, & Big Shizza, each containing some fine cigars! This is the first time my humidor has been nearly full in about 6 months. I've been keeping old humi-care pillows in there to try and keep it stable.

    I'd like to add, thanks also to Bob Luken and Pilgrimtex, who bombed me with cigars and pipe tobacco at a time when I was scraping the bottom of the bowl, so to speak.

    Your generosity has truly overwhelmed me, thanks to all!
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    You're very welcome! I hope things start to improve real soon!
  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    Glad you got 'em! You know how us lefties are...always taking away people's right not to be incendiary bombed!
  • scooter mcgeescooter mcgee Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 322
    Just a quick shout out to MVW67 for offering to be my sponsor and helping me become a proper trader here on the forum
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