I have had the round balls (the clear or blue ones that swell up) and the clear crystals (that swell up) will get black mold on them. Mine were definite black spots not uniform color. I stopped using them and now just use heartfelt beads and KL.
Beads - crystals - gel - The terminology can get confusing. Sometimes they call gel crystals and beads are actually more crystaline than bead-like. Sigh, somebody, pass me the Bovedas.
I didn't take the time to mention that I don't use these as my primary humidification. Just like Onestangeone said, I just use these for a convenient boost in humidity. It's easier than spritzing the KL. (Damn! That makes me sound sooo lazy.)
Oh, sorry, I thought this was a personal hygiene thread
It took thirteen messages to get to this one? We're either becoming more gentlemanly or we're seriously off our game here, folks!
Perhaps the moldy balls were seen as low hanging fruit?
Yep, it took a while but Amos took the wheel and steered us to where I knew it would eventually have to go after having worded it like I did. The question was definitely low hanging fruit.