There is no set standard and honestly the only way to tell is experience. As a beginner reading reviews helped me out a lot. If you're really curious you could find three smokes in each range and smoke 1 per night. If you aren't sure post a list of some of your stock and some of the guys here can give you a rough idea of the body level.
I've been spending a lot of time using the cigar obsession reviews on sticks. If they are on his list I light up a stick and get about halfway down and then read his reviews and see if my tastes make sense to his descriptions. Been workin pretty well so far. But most of my sticks haven't been on his list! Lmao I also use the review section here for input on them as well. Just easier to find on cigar obsession. Lol
I don't usually write reviews on here cause I don't think my palate is up to snuff and I don't really know how to describe flavors that well. I know flavors I like but not how to describe them. I get them confused with other flavors easily. Same thing happens to me with most berry flavors. I know what they taste like but if asked to identify them I'm usually off. Lol
I always liked the idea of writing reviews, but like you always struggled describing a taste. Taking notes will help and I'm sure some of the more experienced guys around here will be glad to answer any of you questions.
I don't usually write reviews on here cause I don't think my palate is up to snuff and I don't really know how to describe flavors that well. I know flavors I like but not how to describe them. I get them confused with other flavors easily. Same thing happens to me with most berry flavors. I know what they taste like but if asked to identify them I'm usually off. Lol