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Iran holding "hard line"

phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349

I guess Iran thinks that if the west uses logic it'll use logic. Also that they want peace? WTF? I guess peace isn't what it use to be, because I don't see a whole lot of peace coming from Iran or the US as of late. Anyway this will just be another cluster F-ck.

As much as I am against war unless absolutely every option has been tried, I do feel that the WEST or should I say the United States has sort of been over-extended. What I mean is that after the lies about Iraq and the wars, then the hard language against Iran, then the notion that the US would launch strikes against Syria over the use of chemical weapons only no "real" evidence has been gathered saying the govt did it, the US IMO has really become a joke. I mean first it was the admin was confident that the Syria govt used these weapons and we must attack, then just today they are backing down and moving towards a more diplomatic solution. So just like the UK we seem to have jumped the gun way too fast once again. I'm really getting tired of our country being a laughing stock. It's bad enough we have Kerry as Secretary of State!


  • raisindotraisindot Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 936
    I don't think the administration is backing down at all from its belief (which I share) the Syria used chemical weapons against civilians. What's changing is nature of the response.

    Honestly, if the U.S. can get out of this morass with a diplomatic solution that really and truly removes all of the chemical weapons from Assad's control, then I'm all for it, especially if this solution helps to improve relations between the U.S. and Russia, which are at their lowest point in decades, mainly due to Putin's return of Russia to a glorified dictatorship. Syria is a gigantic mess, and the resolution of it will be no good for anybody. If Assad is overthrown and the rebels take over, Israel will now have to face radical Islamic and Al Queda warriors on its borders, and certainly these now empowered leaders will seek vengeance against Hezbollah and Hamas, Assad's collaborators (which is an advantage for Israel). Certainly nothing even closely resembling a true democracy will occur in Syria, whose factionalism makes Egypt seem like a garden party.
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