Flavor changes with moisture levels? (final update)

in Pipes
So I got a tin of Honey & Chocolate tobacco... It was pretty dry. Was too eager and tried smoking a bowl when I got home. It was HORRID! Does a tobaccos flavor change depending on how moist it is?
To a minor affect how you pack your pipe also has an effect.
The tobacco should have a "feel" to it in your fingers, not dry and not moist. Pinch a little between your thumb and forefinger. If it crumbles apart when you let go it is too dry. It should tend to hang together a few moments and slowly unwind itself. Too moist will be a poor burning issue and a gurgling bowl. Moist tobacco produces rich smoke which is where the taste is. Dry tobacco produces charred tobacco with not so good taste.
Humi pillows is a good move I use them as well though I usually remove the outer cover to allow faster transfer.
Spritz whole leaves to work with them and prevent cracking and breaking.
That's why I remove the outer bag off the pillows to maximize the amount of hum to escape the actual pillow.