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Explosion in Chicago

Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
So a few of you wise guys got together and dropped a bomb of epic proportion on me LOL. I have to admit, this is actually my first bombing and was caught completely off guard. That said, now I know what all the fuss is about. It was fun getting the box and pulling out all the goodies! Big thanks to Dr. Roman, Chuck, Tony, Michael, Mr. Hamlin and Jim. Lots of stuff in here that I have been wanting to smoke. Sorry I have been MIA lately. With some staffing changes I have been temporarily covering some extra bases these past few months and have had to no free time. Now that things are calming down some, these cigars will be a nice addition to smoke while I relax and read to the forums. Thanks again guys!! So how does this work, do I bomb someone now or am I confusing this with pay it forward? In this respect, I am a total noob LOL.


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