I am glad u r sticking around Dan. I am very glad to have met u and been able to herf with u a couple times now. Thanks for letting me in this pass and I am glad it made it back to u safe and sound.
Gonna gang up here, and I hate to do it, on CigarMan. Did a trade a few months back, all I asked was something from my want to try list and want to try again list be included----all else was up to him. Didnt get either, and the others were----well.....up to him lets say.
Also, Peli....the thread you are talkingabout-----a "bad traders" thread has been started in the past and failed becasue....in my opinion.....people are worried about one bad deal making someone look bad. In my expereicen here, that has never been the case and if someone gets "called out" they deserve it. Would love to see it start again.....may even give something a bump.
I personally just won't participate in anything cigarman is in on which is unfortunate but I refuse to ever have to put my quality sticks up again for him to get his hands on. Perfect example is the lottery thread. I won a couple months back and planned to participate for the long run until he screwed me and a few other people so I sat out this month and I'm glad I did because he won and I would have absolutely hated to spend the money to ship him cigars which I would have done but they would have been the same dog rockets he sent me.