Too much heat!
Unfortunately my air conditioner has gone out & I can't fix it anytime soon. With this latest heat wave here in Southern California the room where I store my cigars (in humidors of course) has been getting up to as high as 100 degrees on some days. Humidity levels are good, ranging from 65%-70% RH depending on the individual humidor. Temps inside the humidors are ranging from 80-90 degrees. Will the cigars survive this heat or are they suffering irreversible damage?
most of the high end companies will fumigate.
i still think a basement would be a good option. its usually a bit cooler down there.
Invest in a wine fridge I suppose. That would probably be your best bet. Otherwise freeze them to kill any potential eggs. Even then mold could be an issue if it remains at a high temperature.
Basically, do whatever you can to keep your temps as close to 65-70 degrees as possible... ideally, put it in a room.environment with that temperature, like a basement.
If you don't have that available, then stick it in a wine fridge and keep it as close to 65-70 as possible. You may be able to pick one up off of Craigslist for as cheap as $30-$50 if you are lucky. If that isn't an option, then stick it in a cooler and rotate ice packs in/out to keep it as close to 65-70 as possible. If that isn't an option, then bag them up and stick them in the fridge until your AC situation is fixed.
Try your best to reach 65-70 degrees. If that is not possible for whatever reason, it is better to store it in a cooler environment below 65, than it is to store it in a warmer environment above 70.
With either NO HUMIDIFIER or ALLOT OF BEADS I've taken ice packs (the gel kind) or those plastic ice cubes (I think I have "OCEAN LIFE" one) and I wrapped them in a towel and placed them in a dish in my humi... This brings the temps down quite a bit and if you try to wrap them enough they won't bring up your Rh too much and they will stay colder longer.
Not perfect, but I'd say too moist of a cigar is better than beetles!