Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
Anyone else here ski? (The snow kind, not the water kind). It's almost that season..
I'm a big mid-atlantic (east coast) skier so I pretty much ski on ice not snow.
I'm a big mid-atlantic (east coast) skier so I pretty much ski on ice not snow.
But the idea of it...I like.
Got spoiled a few years ago when I skied Crested Butte CO with fresh powder in the morning and bluebird afternoons every single day ... needless to say, haven't been too motivated to get back to the ice + tundra that is midwest skiing.
I've been out maybe 1-2 times/season the past couple years here in OH, if that.
Hope to make it out a couple times this year, especially if we get some good snow. Planning a trip to either the UP (Mt Bohemia) or WV (Snowshoe) as well.
What hills do you usually hit up, scarlin? 7 springs?
I am here to inform you about a wee little place over by Atchison... forget the name but skiing is cheap... not long runs but its close by and can get you warmed up in case you wanted to go west.
And I would love to make it to Whistler ---- I've heard nothing but great things .... everyone says it's unreal.
And yeah, here in OH it's about 10-15 seconds going down and 10 minutes+ going back up because our lifts suuuccckkkkk!
tried it once, OUCH!
not fun to learn how to board on a sheet of ice ..... group of friends teaching me thought they were hilarious though ..... I caught my edge and ate it hard. Their response: "know what you did wrong there?" ..... "you fell down"