I've made a thread about this before, but wanted to include some new members opinions. What's your favorite cigar to retro, and what flavor does it give you?
Interesting question. I do know that there are some sticks that I like the retro of more than others but I haven't kept notes on it so I'll have to pay more attention to that. And I don't retro a lot of the smoke. I get rid of most of it and then just retro a small fraction of the smoke that I had originally drawn in.
I started retrohaling a few months ago and it definately changed the whole ball game for me. Just 6 months ago I was very content with sticks like 5 Vegas Classic and Sancho Panza. Now those blends seem bland after I've retrohaled brands like My Father, Tatuaje, Camacho and Padron. My enjoyment of a cigar has increased because of retrohaling and it's given me a chance to appreciate new blends like never before. Right now my favorite stick to retrohale is the Padron Maduro. I'm not the best at describing flavors but I like a good toasty nutty presence
I love the retro on AVO classics, XO's and griffins. All sorta similar, but it brings out a really deep, nutty, toasty flavor. The XO's are especially complex
Honestly my fav to retro hale is anything that Henke Kelner blends, so Davidoff, The Griffins, Hammer and Sickle, Zino, AVO etc. I get a mustiness that is similar to a type of "musty mushroom" that I ONLY taste in Henke blends and I just crave it... For me it is most prevalent on the retro hale since it is a unique note and fairly mild and hidden in some blends Would love to know if the new Davidoff Nicaragua has that lent now that there is no Dominican tobacco in the blends but have yet to try or come across one. Anyone able to weigh in on this?
I retro everything.. I can't help it. There must be something wrong with my nose. I have to control how much with every draw. Seriously, when I draw on a cigar it actually "leaks" out my nose with no effort.
i try to retro everything as well, except infused cigars.... that taste/smell/aroma sticks in your nose and ruins everything else you taste or drink for hours afterwards.
My favorite retro probably came from the Fuente Hemingway Maduro I smoked recently. That was just yummy in every aspect, including retro.