I don't know how many of you use Firefox, but this addon for that application makes it all mouse work. Basically, highlight the test, than right click and select the attribute you wish.
Like so.
The best thing is you can still compose with hitting the enter key to separate your text, which makes it easier to select what you want to affect easier.
The only thing it does not do is insert breaks, so we still have to do that manually, but the rest is done with a mouse.
I don't know how many of you use Firefox, but this addon for that application makes it all mouse work. Basically, highlight the test, than right click and select the attribute you wish.
Like so.
The best thing is you can still compose with hitting the enter key to separate your text, which makes it easier to select what you want to affect easier.
The only thing it does not do is insert breaks, so we still have to do that manually, but the rest is done with a mouse.
Just added this to mozilla. You can make it add line breaks - it has custom code settings. Go to "settings" and add a 4th custom tag. Name it whatever you want and make the "value" the line break code.
I don't know how many of you use Firefox, but this addon for that application makes it all mouse work. Basically, highlight the test, than right click and select the attribute you wish.
Like so.
The best thing is you can still compose with hitting the enter key to separate your text, which makes it easier to select what you want to affect easier.
The only thing it does not do is insert breaks, so we still have to do that manually, but the rest is done with a mouse.
Just added this to mozilla. You can make it add line breaks - it has custom code settings. Go to "settings" and add a 4th custom tag. Name it whatever you want and make the "value" the line break code.
How do you do this? I've had the Firefox bbcode add-on for quite a while and still having to type the line-break code isn't really a boon for the experience. I can't find where to change the custom code settings of the plug-in, where do you change them?
Right click. Go to BBC Code. Go to "settings." Under the Custom Tag drop down change the number from 3 to 4. Name it whatever you want and make the "value" the line break code.
Right click. Go to BBC Code. Go to "settings." Under the Custom Tag drop down change the number from 3 to 4. Name it whatever you want and make the "value" the line break code.
YAY! I figured out why I couldn't get it to work. The Firefox add-on I've been using wasn't exactly the same one. The one I have is bbXtra, not BBCode, so I DLed BBCode and I figured it out right away. Thanks Tat!
Right click. Go to BBC Code. Go to "settings." Under the Custom Tag drop down change the number from 3 to 4. Name it whatever you want and make the "value" the line break code.
YAY! I figured out why I couldn't get it to work. The Firefox add-on I've been using wasn't exactly the same one. The one I have is bbXtra, not BBCode, so I DLed BBCode and I figured it out right away. Thanks Tat!
And failed miserably. :P
~~So what did I do wrong? At the label I assigned the tilde, as I never use that key so figured it would be safe. Than at value I gave it the line break code. My assumption was everytime I hit the tilde key it would pop in my line break.
That's not how it works. The title is simply what it shows up as when you right click, go to the BBC Code, then to custom tags. You should see it right there if you added in a custom tag.
I see where people were wandering about this so i pulled it from my Archives Its a Great tool that we all can use to make our posts better and easier to read.. Hope you guys save this to your favorites.
What I did was Copy and paste this to an Email I then saved the email so in another window I can open my email to this Post... and reference it as I post my CCOM Posts that nbeed these types of formats it works for me........ Thanks to the BOTL that put this together...
I thought I would make a post describing HOW TO FORMAT YOUR POST.
After doing a quick seach in the forum, I noticed that madurofan had once mentioned some basics, I thought I would give any one who desires the POWER to format their posts.
This comes in handy for those with longer posts so that they can seperate sentences where one ends and another starts (makes reading easier too). And also call attention to important words or parts of their sentences.
==========LINE BREAKS==========
Adding<br> after a sentence will create one line break. The same as hitting ENTER on a typewriter/keyboard.
Adding<br><br> after a sentence will create two line breaks. The same as hitting ENTER twice on a typewriter/keyboard.
Adding<b> before a word and a </b> after the word will BOLD the word.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <b>Sancho Panza Double Maduro</b> (when you post it you will see the BOLDED word.
Adding<i> before a word and a </i> after the word will ITALICIZE the word.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <i>Sancho Panza Double Maduro</i> (when you post it you will see the ITALICIZED word.
==========FONT SIZE==========
Addingsize="4" inside your font tag will change your font size. Personally I wouldn't bump the font size beyond 8 on this forum, because it could get annoying and unreadable.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <font size="4">Sancho Panza Double Maduro</font> (when you post it you will see the Font Size change.
Adding<font color="blue"> before a word and a </font> after the word will COLOR the word.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <font color="purple">Sancho Panza Double Maduro</font> (when you post it you will see the COLORED word.
Some of the 'named' colors that work in this manner are:
NOTE: Although adding this <a href="http://www.cigars.com" target="_blank"> the part of this formatting codetarget="_blank" does not have to be included, but what I have learned in my years of coding is that it is best to add this in there because it opens up a new page insted of loading the link into your current page. Which means you lose cigar.com and go to the other page, but with target="_blank" in the code it leaves cigar.com page open and opens a new page for you.
To display an image, you need to know the exact "path" or "URL" to the image on a server. For instance, if you see an image you like, right click on it and "view properties". You will see the image's path or URL. Copy it down, by selecting it (left click and hold in the button on your mouse when you are at the start of the URL, while dragging towards the end of the URL, highlighting it. You then press your keyboards's ctrl keypad (usually the most left and lowest key) and the C key at the same time (CTRL + C). This copies the URL or whatever is highlighted to your CLIPBOARD. The clipboard is invisible and will hold whatever the last thing you highlighted and copied.
Adding an image from a website - Add the following code - <img src="http://img.cigar.com/p/500/cs/s/cs-s7a-view2.jpg"> anywhere on your post and when you post your post, you should see the IMAGE. (Of course you need to swap out the URL I have in there for your own)
You should probably add two <br> tags before and after your img tag so any words that accompany it will be either above the image or below the image and not floating off to the side of the image.
Exp. -
When I want to show off a photo I took myself and post it here on Cigar.com, I need to upload my image to a server (any server) and then find the path or URL of the image. I have my own website fortunately and here's my URL: http://www.radmedia.org/gallerys/cigars/rad1964_nub_600x450.jpg
Any image you link to should not be to wide, because this websites displayable width is around 790 pixels (790 px = @11 inches).
(600 px = @7 inches).
PS - You can also combine a few of the tags together. (bold, color, italicized)
Try adding bold and a color! For best results open and close the tags in the order they appear.
<font color="blue"><b></b></font>
==========HTML ENTITIES==========
HTML Entities are simply code that represent certain symbols.
Here are a few common ones:
There's many more tricks and formatting options you can do. These are only the basics. I will add more to this post as it becomes pertinent.
It would also be great if there was a way to make a post a sticky. Perhaps a Moderator or a vote. If the forum doesn't support Stickys, then perhaps with enough views, certain posts can be identified, the ones that get tons of views, and maybe they can create a new forum group called FAQs or STICKYs.
Thought I'd go ahead and post a few emoticons, aka smilies for folks to use. These come from my gaming website. Enjoy.
I see where people were wandering about this so i pulled it from my Archives Its a Great tool that we all can use to make our posts better and easier to read.. Hope you guys save this to your favorites.
What I did was Copy and paste this to an Email I then saved the email so in another window I can open my email to this Post... and reference it as I post my CCOM Posts that nbeed these types of formats it works for me........ Thanks to the BOTL that put this together...
I thought I would make a post describing HOW TO FORMAT YOUR POST.
After doing a quick seach in the forum, I noticed that madurofan had once mentioned some basics, I thought I would give any one who desires the POWER to format their posts.
This comes in handy for those with longer posts so that they can seperate sentences where one ends and another starts (makes reading easier too). And also call attention to important words or parts of their sentences.
==========LINE BREAKS==========
Adding<br> after a sentence will create one line break. The same as hitting ENTER on a typewriter/keyboard.
Adding<br><br> after a sentence will create two line breaks. The same as hitting ENTER twice on a typewriter/keyboard.
Adding<b> before a word and a </b> after the word will BOLD the word.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <b>Sancho Panza Double Maduro</b> (when you post it you will see the BOLDED word.
Adding<i> before a word and a </i> after the word will ITALICIZE the word.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <i>Sancho Panza Double Maduro</i> (when you post it you will see the ITALICIZED word.
==========FONT SIZE==========
Addingsize="4" inside your font tag will change your font size. Personally I wouldn't bump the font size beyond 8 on this forum, because it could get annoying and unreadable.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <font size="4">Sancho Panza Double Maduro</font> (when you post it you will see the Font Size change.
Adding<font color="blue"> before a word and a </font> after the word will COLOR the word.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <font color="purple">Sancho Panza Double Maduro</font> (when you post it you will see the COLORED word.
Some of the 'named' colors that work in this manner are:
NOTE: Although adding this <a href="http://www.cigars.com" target="_blank"> the part of this formatting codetarget="_blank" does not have to be included, but what I have learned in my years of coding is that it is best to add this in there because it opens up a new page insted of loading the link into your current page. Which means you lose cigar.com and go to the other page, but with target="_blank" in the code it leaves cigar.com page open and opens a new page for you.
To display an image, you need to know the exact "path" or "URL" to the image on a server. For instance, if you see an image you like, right click on it and "view properties". You will see the image's path or URL. Copy it down, by selecting it (left click and hold in the button on your mouse when you are at the start of the URL, while dragging towards the end of the URL, highlighting it. You then press your keyboards's ctrl keypad (usually the most left and lowest key) and the C key at the same time (CTRL + C). This copies the URL or whatever is highlighted to your CLIPBOARD. The clipboard is invisible and will hold whatever the last thing you highlighted and copied.
Adding an image from a website - Add the following code - <img src="http://img.cigar.com/p/500/cs/s/cs-s7a-view2.jpg"> anywhere on your post and when you post your post, you should see the IMAGE. (Of course you need to swap out the URL I have in there for your own)
You should probably add two <br> tags before and after your img tag so any words that accompany it will be either above the image or below the image and not floating off to the side of the image.
Exp. -
When I want to show off a photo I took myself and post it here on Cigar.com, I need to upload my image to a server (any server) and then find the path or URL of the image. I have my own website fortunately and here's my URL: http://www.radmedia.org/gallerys/cigars/rad1964_nub_600x450.jpg
Any image you link to should not be to wide, because this websites displayable width is around 790 pixels (790 px = @11 inches).
(600 px = @7 inches).
PS - You can also combine a few of the tags together. (bold, color, italicized)
Try adding bold and a color! For best results open and close the tags in the order they appear.
<font color="blue"><b></b></font>
==========HTML ENTITIES==========
HTML Entities are simply code that represent certain symbols.
Here are a few common ones:
There's many more tricks and formatting options you can do. These are only the basics. I will add more to this post as it becomes pertinent.
It would also be great if there was a way to make a post a sticky. Perhaps a Moderator or a vote. If the forum doesn't support Stickys, then perhaps with enough views, certain posts can be identified, the ones that get tons of views, and maybe they can create a new forum group called FAQs or STICKYs.
Thought I'd go ahead and post a few emoticons, aka smilies for folks to use. These come from my gaming website. Enjoy.
I see where people were wandering about this so i pulled it from my Archives Its a Great tool that we all can use to make our posts better and easier to read.. Hope you guys save this to your favorites.
What I did was Copy and paste this to an Email I then saved the email so in another window I can open my email to this Post... and reference it as I post my CCOM Posts that nbeed these types of formats it works for me........ Thanks to the BOTL that put this together...
I thought I would make a post describing HOW TO FORMAT YOUR POST.
After doing a quick seach in the forum, I noticed that madurofan had once mentioned some basics, I thought I would give any one who desires the POWER to format their posts.
This comes in handy for those with longer posts so that they can seperate sentences where one ends and another starts (makes reading easier too). And also call attention to important words or parts of their sentences.
==========LINE BREAKS==========
Adding<br> after a sentence will create one line break. The same as hitting ENTER on a typewriter/keyboard.
Adding<br><br> after a sentence will create two line breaks. The same as hitting ENTER twice on a typewriter/keyboard.
Adding<b> before a word and a </b> after the word will BOLD the word.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <b>Sancho Panza Double Maduro</b> (when you post it you will see the BOLDED word.
Adding<i> before a word and a </i> after the word will ITALICIZE the word.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <i>Sancho Panza Double Maduro</i> (when you post it you will see the ITALICIZED word.
==========FONT SIZE==========
Addingsize="4" inside your font tag will change your font size. Personally I wouldn't bump the font size beyond 8 on this forum, because it could get annoying and unreadable.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <font size="4">Sancho Panza Double Maduro</font> (when you post it you will see the Font Size change.
Adding<font color="blue"> before a word and a </font> after the word will COLOR the word.
Exp. - I really love the Sancho Panza Double Maduro. All you have to do is this - I really love the <font color="purple">Sancho Panza Double Maduro</font> (when you post it you will see the COLORED word.
Some of the 'named' colors that work in this manner are:
NOTE: Although adding this <a href="http://www.cigars.com" target="_blank"> the part of this formatting codetarget="_blank" does not have to be included, but what I have learned in my years of coding is that it is best to add this in there because it opens up a new page insted of loading the link into your current page. Which means you lose cigar.com and go to the other page, but with target="_blank" in the code it leaves cigar.com page open and opens a new page for you.
To display an image, you need to know the exact "path" or "URL" to the image on a server. For instance, if you see an image you like, right click on it and "view properties". You will see the image's path or URL. Copy it down, by selecting it (left click and hold in the button on your mouse when you are at the start of the URL, while dragging towards the end of the URL, highlighting it. You then press your keyboards's ctrl keypad (usually the most left and lowest key) and the C key at the same time (CTRL + C). This copies the URL or whatever is highlighted to your CLIPBOARD. The clipboard is invisible and will hold whatever the last thing you highlighted and copied.
Adding an image from a website - Add the following code - <img src="http://img.cigar.com/p/500/cs/s/cs-s7a-view2.jpg"> anywhere on your post and when you post your post, you should see the IMAGE. (Of course you need to swap out the URL I have in there for your own)
You should probably add two <br> tags before and after your img tag so any words that accompany it will be either above the image or below the image and not floating off to the side of the image.
Exp. -
When I want to show off a photo I took myself and post it here on Cigar.com, I need to upload my image to a server (any server) and then find the path or URL of the image. I have my own website fortunately and here's my URL: http://www.radmedia.org/gallerys/cigars/rad1964_nub_600x450.jpg
Any image you link to should not be to wide, because this websites displayable width is around 790 pixels (790 px = @11 inches).
(600 px = @7 inches).
PS - You can also combine a few of the tags together. (bold, color, italicized)
Try adding bold and a color! For best results open and close the tags in the order they appear.
<font color="blue"><b></b></font>
==========HTML ENTITIES==========
HTML Entities are simply code that represent certain symbols.
Here are a few common ones:
There's many more tricks and formatting options you can do. These are only the basics. I will add more to this post as it becomes pertinent.
It would also be great if there was a way to make a post a sticky. Perhaps a Moderator or a vote. If the forum doesn't support Stickys, then perhaps with enough views, certain posts can be identified, the ones that get tons of views, and maybe they can create a new forum group called FAQs or STICKYs.
Thought I'd go ahead and post a few emoticons, aka smilies for folks to use. These come from my gaming website. Enjoy.
Like so.
The best thing is you can still compose with hitting the enter key to separate your text, which makes it easier to select what you want to affect easier.
The only thing it does not do is insert breaks, so we still have to do that manually, but the rest is done with a mouse.
How do you do this? I've had the Firefox bbcode add-on for quite a while and still having to type the line-break code isn't really a boon for the experience. I can't find where to change the custom code settings of the plug-in, where do you change them?
YAY! I figured out why I couldn't get it to work. The Firefox add-on I've been using wasn't exactly the same one. The one I have is bbXtra, not BBCode, so I DLed BBCode and I figured it out right away. Thanks Tat!
Like this
And so forth.
Thanks bud!
to create a new line?
What I did was Copy and paste this to an Email I then saved the email so in another window I can open my email to this Post... and reference it as I post my CCOM Posts that nbeed these types of formats it works for me........ Thanks to the BOTL that put this together...