What the hell are you up to sir? You've been laying waste to a lot of USPS facilities lately, what did they ever do to you let alone the poor soon dead souls of the people who are being sent these bombs???
What the hell are you up to sir? You've been laying waste to a lot of USPS facilities lately, what did they ever do to you let alone the poor soon dead souls of the people who are being sent these bombs???
Hope, Pray, Meditate or wish on a star. No matter what, this package will make it to where you are . Basic poetry 101 still works, lol. No good deed goes unpunished....
Well Sir, I appreciate the time you took to make that for me. You didn't have to, but you did. And for that, this is my thank you:). Enjoy what I call good book reading material.
The title says it all Sir
No one Sir, title says it all. He shouldn't have did the good deed. See how that works
Hey Teacher of lanceros, lol. You will be proud of this package. The contents make for great reading material
Hope, Pray, Meditate or wish on a star. No matter what, this package will make it to where you are
Well Sir, I appreciate the time you took to make that for me. You didn't have to, but you did. And for that, this is my thank you:). Enjoy what I call good book reading material.