Home Non Cigar Related


WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
I’ve got love for cigars and accompanying beverages. I’ve also got a love for food. I thought I’d share something here, see how receptive everyone is to it, and maybe post more like it later.

For me, there is nothing more satisfying in food than seeing a scrumptious looking pizza pie. Especially one that you’ve made yourself. I’ve got a couple high dollar additions to the casa that I plan on implementing in the medium term future. Like a wood burning stove, and a brick house pizza oven. There are all sorts of ways to cook your pizza, but the brick ovens seem to be the best in my opinion. Until then, I’ll settle for my oven.

Even using a regular oven, there are many ways to cook your pizza in there. Deep dish. Thin pans. Cast iron. On a stone slab (closest to the brick oven taste you’re going to get, and even closer is to use the stone right on your BBQ grill set at the highest temp).

Today, I’ll cover a decent all purpose crust and my special sauce (no, not baby gravy, get your mind out of the gutter). Feel free to take these recipes and modify or claim for yourself. I stole the original ideas from a pizza making forum I used to hang out in and tweaked them to my own liking. I use a standard KitchenAid counter top mixer with the dough hook.

You can hand toss this crust. Roll it. Go for a deep dish. Cook on a stone off a peel. To make the breadsticks, divide the dough up after the first rise. Roll out some for the breadsticks, pre-slice, then top with a garlic butter spread and parmesan. Let them rise for the next hour with the rest of the dough meant for the crust. When cooking the breadsticks at the same time as your pizza, they only take about 7-8 minutes. Pull them out and spread more garlic butter spread immediately, allowing it to melt into the sticks for a few minutes. They’ll pull apart easily.

The Sauce

1 can (1LB 12 OZ) crushed tomatoes. I prefer 6in1 from Escalon. Hard to find in a store, but easily and cheaply available from their website.
1 teaspoon oregano
2 teaspoons minced dry onion
1 teaspoon salt
3/8 teaspoon black pepper
1.25 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon sugar

Mix all ingredients and allow to sit in fridge for at least 2 hours, 5 or more is better. You can easily freeze your remainder afterwards and use for later.

The Crust

This is called a 2 hour pizza crust because you let it rise twice, one hour each. When I make this, I double the recipe and it makes 14+ breadsticks, one 14-inch pie , and one 7-inch pie. My wife doesn’t eat my toppings, so I make her very own personal pan with just cheese and jalapeños.

2 cups flour
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon flour
3/4 cup water (112 degrees)
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 and 1/8 teaspoon active dry yeast
3/4 teaspoon salt

Mix water, yeast, salt and sugar until dissolved. Let sit for 2 minutes.
Stir in olive oil.
Add flour and mix.

Allow to rise for 1 hour in a large covered greased/oiled container in a warm place , punch down, rise for another hour, and shape into a well oiled pan 14 inch crust. Usually I pour a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil into my cast iron pan or skillet and coat it thoroughly.

Add your sauce, favorite toppings and bake at 425 for 10-12 minutes, depending on how well done you like it.

Hope you enjoy...

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  • MorganGeoMorganGeo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,606
    Walt shared this recipe with me awhile back and I must say I like it a lot. It was real simple to make and taste great.
  • The PhantomThe Phantom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 51
    WOW, delicious! I like a couple of slices, please. ;o) You must be a great cook?
  • ToombesToombes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,451
    Guess what the Williams house is having later this week?!?!?
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Upon further review... I edited a little bit. I take for granted everyone knows this stuff... but it's possible some don't. When rising, let it rise in a warm place, in a greased/oiled container large enough for the dough to rise in, and make sure it's covered.

    And be sure to coat your baking pan in oil.
  • EchambersEchambers Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,335
    Do you deliver?
  • jadeltjadelt Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 766
    WOW that looks great !

    I have been making a version of Chicago Lou Malnati's deep dish that turns out great. I will have to try this. Dang you made me hungry.
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Wow, looks fantastic. Have you ever cooked your pizza before on the grill? It's fantastic as well. I've shanked people before for my all time favorite pie -- BBQ chicken. Love that stuff. Do you ever cook it? Thanks for sharing.
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Wow, looks fantastic. Have you ever cooked your pizza before on the grill? It's fantastic as well. I've shanked people before for my all time favorite pie -- BBQ chicken. Love that stuff. Do you ever cook it? Thanks for sharing.
    I have cooked it on the grill on a stone. Was great. Haven't done BBQ chicken. I usually stick to pepperoni, shrooms, black olives, and jalapeños.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Mmm...good lookin' pie you got there, walt.
    Thanks for the recipe/tips too....

    Sunday has become homemade pizza night at our house...it's easy to make and is a good way to wrap up the weekend/get ready for the work week.
    Thin crust, fresh sauce, top with mozz & fresh parm, and a combination of bacon/onions/cowhorn peppers or pineapple/ham if we have them.

    Wife makes big batches of dough (6-8 pizzas) every couple months, divide it up and then freeze it. recipe click here
    Makes it easy on Sundays, just set the dough out early in the morning, cover the bowl, let it thaw and you'll be good to go by dinner time.
    Sauce from scratch too --- been using canned tomatos from in-laws' garden. (Until next spring when we get fresh tomatoes from the garden again)
    Love the fresh Belgioioso mozzarella too.

    Preheat the oven and baking stone (we use emile henry 14"x18" stone) to 450.
    Toss the crust by hand, cook it for about 5 mins .... pull it out, add the sauce/cheese/toppings and put it back in for another 5-ish mins until the cheese starts to turn brown.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Wow, looks fantastic. Have you ever cooked your pizza before on the grill? It's fantastic as well. I've shanked people before for my all time favorite pie -- BBQ chicken. Love that stuff. Do you ever cook it? Thanks for sharing.
    I have cooked it on the grill on a stone. Was great. Haven't done BBQ chicken. I usually stick to pepperoni, shrooms, black olives, and jalapeños.
    I've done it straight on the grates of the (charcoal) grill before....turns out pretty good. Nice flavor to it.
    But I think it's easier to do in the oven.

    Got any tips for doing it on the grill, James?
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Mmm...good lookin' pie you got there, walt.
    Thanks for the recipe/tips too....

    Sunday has become homemade pizza night at our house...it's easy to make and is a good way to wrap up the weekend/get ready for the work week.
    Thin crust, fresh sauce, top with mozz & fresh parm, and a combination of bacon/onions/cowhorn peppers or pineapple/ham if we have them.

    Wife makes big batches of dough (6-8 pizzas) every couple months, divide it up and then freeze it. recipe click here
    Makes it easy on Sundays, just set the dough out early in the morning, cover the bowl, let it thaw and you'll be good to go by dinner time.
    Sauce from scratch too --- been using canned tomatos from in-laws' garden. (Until next spring when we get fresh tomatoes from the garden again)
    Love the fresh Belgioioso mozzarella too.

    Preheat the oven and baking stone (we use emile henry 14"x18" stone) to 450.
    Toss the crust by hand, cook it for about 5 mins .... pull it out, add the sauce/cheese/toppings and put it back in for another 5-ish mins until the cheese starts to turn brown.
    I am going to steal your thin crust recipe... try it out. I haven't been able to find one I can like yet. Thanks!
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Mmm...good lookin' pie you got there, walt.
    Thanks for the recipe/tips too....

    Sunday has become homemade pizza night at our house...it's easy to make and is a good way to wrap up the weekend/get ready for the work week.
    Thin crust, fresh sauce, top with mozz & fresh parm, and a combination of bacon/onions/cowhorn peppers or pineapple/ham if we have them.

    Wife makes big batches of dough (6-8 pizzas) every couple months, divide it up and then freeze it. recipe click here
    Makes it easy on Sundays, just set the dough out early in the morning, cover the bowl, let it thaw and you'll be good to go by dinner time.
    Sauce from scratch too --- been using canned tomatos from in-laws' garden. (Until next spring when we get fresh tomatoes from the garden again)
    Love the fresh Belgioioso mozzarella too.

    Preheat the oven and baking stone (we use emile henry 14"x18" stone) to 450.
    Toss the crust by hand, cook it for about 5 mins .... pull it out, add the sauce/cheese/toppings and put it back in for another 5-ish mins until the cheese starts to turn brown.
    I am going to steal your thin crust recipe... try it out. I haven't been able to find one I can like yet. Thanks!
    It's good....
    LMK what you think.

    Will have to try yours too for a thicker crust....I like our thin crust but sometimes I crave a thicker crust, usually end up ordering a pizza out on those nights but I'd prefer to make it at home. Thanks!
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Just made another batch of dough...sorry Walt, didn't try your recipe yet...stuck with "the usual". Got 10 pies worth of dough....going to make 1 tonight top with peppers, maybe onion too. Was going to top with bacon as well but we ate it all lol.
  • reggie713reggie713 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,018
    Ate all the bacon!! Yeah that sounds about right
  • No_one21No_one21 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,962
    Well I'm having pizza tomorrow... and any time I see this thread come up again lol
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Just made another batch of dough...sorry Walt, didn't try your recipe yet...stuck with "the usual". Got 10 pies worth of dough....going to make 1 tonight top with peppers, maybe onion too. Was going to top with bacon as well but we ate it all lol.
    What a coincidence! I looked up this thread yesterday... so I could get at your recipe. Tried it. Liked it. didn't get it as thin or as crusty as I wanted... but that batch I broke into 2 balls... (hell.. .now June's gonna get involved here) and threw one in the freezer.. so my next one will be modified. I saw where you said to pre-heat... but I didn't want to listen. I wanted to taste it straight... so I could get a taste of what I was dealing with. Taste is awesome.. Next one I'll pre bake a bit before topping. My goal is to be as thin and crispy as Papa Johns thin and crispy. Love experimenting with crusts... just more excuses to make more pies.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Guess what we had for dinner last night....LOL
    Told you, homemade pizza has become a Sunday night tradition at our house!
    Simplest meal I swear, just thaw out the dough, mozz, and sauce --- preheat the oven then assemble the ingredients.

    Topped it with bacon and a chopped cowhorn pepper. But dang that was an extra hot pepper this week! Probably going to skip the pepper next week though because there were a couple bites where my mouth was on fire. If I didn't know better I'd have sworn it was a serrano...good thing I brought up a couple extra beers to the upstairs fridge, definitely needed those to cool down my taste buds.

    Oh, and I was going to take a pic of the pie for you guys but we ate it too fast, haha! Maybe next week....
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Guess what we had for dinner last night....LOL
    Told you, homemade pizza has become a Sunday night tradition at our house!
    Simplest meal I swear, just thaw out the dough, mozz, and sauce --- preheat the oven then assemble the ingredients.

    Topped it with bacon and a chopped cowhorn pepper. But dang that was an extra hot pepper this week! Probably going to skip the pepper next week though because there were a couple bites where my mouth was on fire. If I didn't know better I'd have sworn it was a serrano...good thing I brought up a couple extra beers to the upstairs fridge, definitely needed those to cool down my taste buds.

    Oh, and I was going to take a pic of the pie for you guys but we ate it too fast, haha! Maybe next week....
    hEY! Me too... Last week I made your dough... split in half... froze half.... well, you read my last post about it. So this week, I pulled the dough, sauce, and cheese out of the freezer in the morning. Easiest put together. Ever. This time I baked it for 5 minutes by itself... then assembled and finished baking... it was spot on the thin and crispy crust I've been searching for. Half that recipe stretched across an 18-inch screen pan and docked. Marvelous. It was gone before I could take pics. the wife and I ate the whole thing.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Guess what we had for dinner last night....LOL
    Told you, homemade pizza has become a Sunday night tradition at our house!
    Simplest meal I swear, just thaw out the dough, mozz, and sauce --- preheat the oven then assemble the ingredients.

    Topped it with bacon and a chopped cowhorn pepper. But dang that was an extra hot pepper this week! Probably going to skip the pepper next week though because there were a couple bites where my mouth was on fire. If I didn't know better I'd have sworn it was a serrano...good thing I brought up a couple extra beers to the upstairs fridge, definitely needed those to cool down my taste buds.

    Oh, and I was going to take a pic of the pie for you guys but we ate it too fast, haha! Maybe next week....
    hEY! Me too... Last week I made your dough... split in half... froze half.... well, you read my last post about it. So this week, I pulled the dough, sauce, and cheese out of the freezer in the morning. Easiest put together. Ever. This time I baked it for 5 minutes by itself... then assembled and finished baking... it was spot on the thin and crispy crust I've been searching for. Half that recipe stretched across an 18-inch screen pan and docked. Marvelous. It was gone before I could take pics. the wife and I ate the whole thing.
    That pre-bake with just the dough makes all the difference doesn't it? Keeps it nice and crispy. Glad you enjoyed it, Walt!

    We don't dock it (I like the air bubbles LOL) ....
    Do you hand toss it or roll it out?
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Little bit of both... get it in shape for about a foot diameter. Then finish it out by tossing and stretching.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Tasty bub. Thanks for the recipe.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Yumm ^^^^
    lookin' good dane.

    Didn't have any mozz or bacon for ours last night, and it was too cold to run out to the store and get some. And wasn't in the mood for hot peppers so kept it simple with just tomato sauce and grated parm. It still turned out pretty damn good, and once again we ate it way too fast before I could snap a pic.
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Finally snapped a pic before it all got eaten.
    topped it with some salami yesterday, yum.

  • Thanatos0320Thanatos0320 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 444
    Oh this is awesome. I've always wanted to learn to make a good pizza. Now I'm going to steal your recipe and make a pizza :P What kind of cheese do you use? I know it's expensive, but do you think gouda would work if I shredded it? I've been told some cheeses work better than others
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Oh this is awesome. I've always wanted to learn to make a good pizza and now I'm going to steal your recipe and make a pizza :P What kind of cheese do you use? I know it's expensive, but do you think gouda would work if I shredded it? I've been told some cheeses work better than others
    We always use sliced fresh mozzarella (not the pre-shredded crap) & Parmesan/pecorino. Gouda should work too though, I'd say give it a shot.
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Oh this is awesome. I've always wanted to learn to make a good pizza and now I'm going to steal your recipe and make a pizza :P What kind of cheese do you use? I know it's expensive, but do you think gouda would work if I shredded it? I've been told some cheeses work better than others
    I usually buy a block mozz from costco or sams... whichever I happen to be at when I need it. Shred to order. But by all means... experiment.

    Haven't tried gouda. Might have to try that sometime.

    I have on occasion shredded some Romano and/or parmesan over the pie after everything else has been laid.

    Planning on making some pizza today, and an abundance of dough for freezing...
  • IsraIsra Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8
    Great it looks so delicious.
    and so thin (this is problem for when I cook pizza)
    You are great cook
  • WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
    Here are the two I made tonight.
  • MorganGeoMorganGeo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,606
    Looks great as always!
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