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The I've won a lot of Contests and can't win this contest Contest and my 1 year pass!

brianetz1brianetz1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,898
Over the past year of my smoking career I have found that via twitter, facebook, and other blogger sites you can win a good bit of swag/cigars via the internet. I've won FFPs, Torano, LGC, LFD, Diamond Crown, patels, Crowned heads, Room 101s, etc., etc.

I have gotten quite the reputation as a winner of cigars so i think i need to do a contest that i can't win for you all.

Pretty simple.....How many cigars have I won over the past year?

Price is Right Rules closest without going over is going to win a Large Flat Rate box full of goodness! Contest will run until Friday December 20th at 10PM CST unless someone gets it right on the head.

Also my 1 year anniversary is coming up on December 25th (yes i posted here on Christmas Day, i was a little excited) and i would like to do a pass for my birthday. My pass will also be Contest Themed:

All of the cigars that i have in the pass will either be from a contest that i have won or were included in a contest that i won but i have already smoked them. I ask that if you have won any contests that your puts come from that stash, but if you haven't won any contests I still want you in the pass. One other thing is that one of the things that i have won in the past year is a La Gloria Cubana "travel" humidor that i would like everyone in the pass to sign so I can remember my 1 year anniversary.

Normal rules apply:

Please keep the number of takes and puts the same and please try to keep the values of your puts the same as what you took. YOU MUST POST A PICTURE OF YOUR TAKES AND PUTS BEFORE SENDING OUT THE PASS. Please post your DC# in the thread

(maybe I was a little harsh earlier) You must be on the good traders list to be a part of the pass.

Pass list so far:

curtpick - (OG vherf members are required to be in my pass)
deejmemixx - (OGl vherf members are required to be in my pass)
thehilk - (OG vherf members are required to be in my pass)
No_one21 - (OG vherf members are required to be in my pass)
90+ Irishmen

So please post for the contest and if you would like to be in my pass please note that in your response.


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