It's that time of year...
I can't seem to budge my hygrometer above 50 in the dead of winter, no matter what. Lately, I've been cutting down on stock (100 ct humidor but only 30-40 cigars) and loading up the extra space with water pillows. Even that's temporary. I just got a larger humidifier and loaded it with gel, and the humidifier went up to 55. What's the solution here?
I figure all of us are talkin' about basic (cheap) imported desktops with seals good enough for most of the time but when humidity hits the extremes they can be hard to manage.
Good kitty litter VS bad kitty litter (LINK)
Absolutly... it get real real dry here during the winter and my humi's are only about 10 feet from my fireplace so it can be a challange at times. I exclusively use the bovedas year round and have had great luck with one 72% in a box of 100 thats got about 73 sticks in there and a shot glass with kitty litter thats been sprayed 3 times. As long as i keep the seal nice and tight... its a piece of cake to keep right at 69... but if it dries out... it will swing 10% or more in a day like nuthing.