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Really, guys, really...?

ToombesToombes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,451
A few days ago deejmeemix sent me a picture of the cigar he was smoking. I told him it looked tasty and I'd be on the lookout for them. Bad mistake... The next day he sends me a DC#! WTF?!?
Around the same time, I get a PM from jgibv asking if I still use the same address he has for me. Being sneaky like he can be, he tells me he's just updating his BORK-a-dex. Whatever... Then comes the DC#. Really?
So, today I'm off to the PO. I find the key to a lock box and walk around the corner. It's for a BIG lock box.
"What did these jokers send me?"
I open the door and find THREE boxes. "Hunh?"
Along with Shane and John, our very own jlmarta decided to throw carnage my way!!
From John, who shares my love of life sustaining coffee:
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From Shane, who knows that I like Camacho and love my bourbon. Can't wait to try that Zulu Zulu!
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And, from Marty. A pant load of favorites and homemade biscotti! He knows the way to a fat boys heart!
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Gentlemen, thank you so much for the wonderful gifts!!


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