OK. My takes are on the left and my puts are on the right. I will double check in the morning that there are not any problems with any of my takes/puts and then I will send this box out to greg.
I received this pass Saturday and it will fly to Jamie in the morning. All I can say is Wow, what a nice collection of great cigars. This pass sets the standard of which all passes should be measured. Nice job by everyone involved. My takes are on the left, my puts are on the right. The lone critter in the middle is for Mikey. I think he likey. Great pass. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. Flying North in the morning.
Nice takes and puts Greg and yes Mikey likey that critter in the middle! On another note this pass has been out for a little over 3 months. I think it is moving along at a good pace.
Some delish smokes in there! If all is well ill ship out to Brett tomorrow. Puts on left and takes on right. Thanks Mike for allowing me to participate!
Looks like this baby has landed in Austin. Just one more stop before heading back home. Man this pass has moved fast.
Yep, safe and sound, I had a chance to glance through last night, there's some decent sticks here. I should have some time this afternoon or evening to get a pic up.
Takes on the right and put on the left, If this looks ok I will repack and get it back on the road The one in the middle is for you Mike Thanks for letting me be a part of this!
Thanks again for letting me get in on this!
Takes right puts left .
Of to Morgan in The Morning will post tracker.
Thanks for letting me in Mike !
If it looks good, Its out asap.......
Yep, safe and sound, I had a chance to glance through last night, there's some decent sticks here. I should have some time this afternoon or evening to get a pic up.
The one in the middle is for you Mike Thanks for letting me be a part of this!