Home internet servive
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
With my wife in grad school this semister and me going to school also, we are needing a home internet source. We could use our phones, but that would use alot of data time. We are needing something that is not too expensive either through AT&T (our phone provider) or something else.
Any info, help and ideas would be appreciated.
Any info, help and ideas would be appreciated.
Here you have 2 choices (local phone co won't transfer tele # to anyone). So we have DirecTV for cable and the phone company fast DSL. The DSL is faster and more reliable then GoWisper or Dish, which was the worst 2 services I ever had. Plus limiting downloads is a turn off for me. So, make sure you check out fast DSL, it can be the best option and you can probably bundle services.
What provider do use? Mine is the version 5 gig for 50.00 with a 10.00 per gig overage. Yours sounds much better.
In-laws live out "in the sticks" too -- they have one of those verizon hot spot things but all they do is check email.
Check out this link if you want to find broadband.... http://www.broadbandmap.gov/
If you end up getting broadband or DSL ask if you can use your own modem and router instead of renting from your ISP ... if so you'll save around $5-10/month in equipment fees, search online and pick up one for cheap and it will pay for itself in less than a year.
How long have you had it and do they stick to their pricing for the entire two year contract period?
I would not bother you if I did not constantly, thanks to my son, run over every month and end up paying up too 70.00 to 80.00 each month.
I read all they had printed and it sounds like a good deal.
Thanks in advance.
I checked on it and it has a good coverage within my locality so I will be cancelling Verizon and switching over. Why pay the same amount for less than half the service?
I appreciate the heads up on this one, even after paying to get out of my commitment with Verizon, within less than a year I'll actually be saving money as my last bill reflected a nine dollar "fee" added to it, of course they had a three page letter explaining it.