Any Handloaders/Reloaders out there?

Aside from cigars, shooting and reloading are my other main hobbies. The range I go to has no problem with me smoking while shooting
. Just wondering? I have a basic single stage setup with electric scale, case prep center and a damn good amount of powder/primer bullet/brass. Was actually hoping someone had some pistol powder they were willing to trade for rifle powder.

I load for target, personal protection, and zombies
Let me know what powders you guys are looking for and maybe I can help you guys out.
Man you're lucky that you have a place to shoot at 1,000 yards. Being in NJ and dealing with the restrictive b.s., the best I can do is shoot my long arms at 100 yards via underground 3' diameter tubes. Looking down my 1-4x scope, all I see is a small light at the end of the tunnel
Well... it's better than nothing I guess.
You may already do this the single biggest jump in accuracy i got is when i founf the sweet spot for a particular load with cartridge overall length. I got a hornady lock-n-load COAL measuring tool. It measures the amount of freebore in your particular gun (each one is off a few thousandths or so) so you can get a definitive measurements and starting tuning in your freebore or "jump" distance. I found my 204 likes 1 hundreth off the rifiling while the 308 likes a lot of jump to the tune of almot a tenth. Amazing, amazing, amazing jump in accuracy. Unless im plinking i think its almost a waste of money to buy factory rifle loads. I hate this hobby LOL.
I use Clays for pistol, Varget in my 223 and 06, and im going to try some H4350 for the 300.
After Sandyhook a year ago, it was damn neer imposable to find anything for bullets, let alone reloading. I used to go to Sportsmans every Wednesday morning and stand in line to see what shipment they would get in for anything gun/bullet related. Its not to bad now, still hard to find .22lr and primers, but its getting easier to find components.
Vinny, Ill check with my local B&M (for guns), she has a pretty good selection of powder, tell me a couple that would work for you.