New Show: What Embargo? Episode Uno Sat night! 9:30EST

in Cigar 101
So we have been kicking around tons of ideas for new shows on Cig Fed, and Logan finally talked me into doing a show with Seth from Seth's Humidor to discuss cigars from a....certain region. Now, neither of us are experts, so we are viewing this as a learning experience and interactive discussion on...cigars from a certain island
Our first episode will serve as an introductory show and we will discuss how to spot fakes. Viewers can email us pictures of their own cigars if they are curious if they are real or not. We will also show several examples of fakes in our possession, well known things to look for, and resources for collectors. Over time, we hope to educate smokers on history, blends, new releases, tips, tricks, etc... So if you have a question you want answered, a show idea, or want some help identifying something, let us know. You can email me directly at I will provide a direct link to the show probably Friday, but it should be front page. We will have a Q&A at the end of every show as well. Hope to see some of you guys there.


Same time as last show?
Awesome. I'm looking forward to it.
You decide
Doesn't look like the cap is right (he11, doesn't even look like it has a cap)
Band printing is off center
And that wrapper is uglier than a 2-dollar wh0re!
Gotta go with fake....if not, umm, save your $$ IMO.
Episode One:
Episode Two:
Episode Three:
For what it is worth, I tried to embed them but the codes do not work so these are the links