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slamb@cigar.comslamb@cigar.com Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
http://halfwheel.com/pennsylvania-bill-aims-ban-smoking-cigar-stores-others/ Gents, if you are from Pennsylvania, do us all a favor and write, call, and badger your state reps and legislators to not allow this unconstitutional malarkey from going through!


  • christian1971christian1971 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 392
    I wrote my congressman and he vows to fight all tobacco. Stating there is no room for tobacco in our society. This pisses me off to no end. I wholeheartedly believe that in order to stop this maddness, people need to protest in very large numbers. Otherwise it is a lost cause. It amazes me how people just expect things to happen. We didnt get to be the USof A because folks sat idely by. They fought for their rights. We may need to rise up again non violently. Unfortunately most folks prefer to be couch potatoes. So this is what they get. By the way, does any particular cut whether, navy, ribbon, flake, plug etc age better then another? And no I still have not decide which sweet virginia/burley/...... to buy. I read your suggestions, but then get side tracked by other reviewer. Frustrating.
  • slamb@cigar.comslamb@cigar.com Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
    Keep writing and don't give up, if we give up, the bastards win! As for the tobacco, Virginias age the best, the cut won't matter to much, but Flakes and Coins age really well.
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    Keep writing and don't give up, if we give up, the bastards win! As for the tobacco, Virginas age the best, the cut won't matter to much, but Flakes and Coins age really well.
    Heh heh!! Heh heh!! He said "Virginas"...

  • slamb@cigar.comslamb@cigar.com Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
    HAHAHA! Serves me right for not reading things before I hit post.... It's edited now so we can try to stay on topic........
  • Puff_DougiePuff_Dougie Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
    HAHAHA! Serves me right for not reading things before I hit post.... It's edited now so we can try to stay on topic........
    Sorry... couldn't resist. ;^)

    Didn't mean to distract from a very important topic. Lack of involvement in the political process is what allows the career tyrants to keep pushing their agenda. Thank you for posting this. I do hope that we will all speak up. If we don't, there is no one to blame for lost liberties but ourselves.
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    Reinstate RBeckom and I'll call anyone you want.
  • option2option2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 39
    Ken Light:
    Reinstate RBeckom and I'll call anyone you want.

    He has to finish his punishment and then he will be worthy of reinstatement and only then. Do not get yourself in a jamb buy trying to use blackmail my friend for he truly deserves his sentence and it has too be served for him to learn his lesson.
    He will be returned when his time is up, fear not, for we have good moderators and he spoke more than once with one and understands his point exactly.

  • slamb@cigar.comslamb@cigar.com Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
    First of all, this is extremely off topic and has nothing to do with saving our rights to smoke in a Tobacconist shop, B&M, casino, and or private club. Secondly, his ban has been lifted.... Now let’s move on to what is Actually important here please.
  • option2option2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 39
    Keep writing and don't give up, if we give up, the bastards win! As for the tobacco, Virginas age the best, the cut won't matter to much, but Flakes and Coins age really well.
    Heh heh!! Heh heh!! He said "Virginas"...



  • option2option2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 39
    First of all, this is extremely off topic and has nothing to do with saving our rights to smoke in a Tobacconist shop, B&M, casino, and or private club. Secondly, his ban has been lifted.... Now let’s move on to what is Actually important here please.

    Listen to this man folks for he is no troll, he is the real deal with a message that affects us all and needs the attention of everyone who enjoys tobacco.
    Lesson here:
    Do not disrespect the people in power for that will bring wrath and as I stated rbeckom deserved what he got!
    Try to forget the negative and concentrate on this problem for it affects us all. Not to mention all who come after us, all the workers that would eventually loose their jobs, the growers, makers and the list goes on and on.
  • option2option2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 39
    First of all, this is extremely off topic and has nothing to do with saving our rights to smoke in a Tobacconist shop, B&M, casino, and or private club. Secondly, his ban has been lifted.... Now let’s move on to what is Actually important here please.

    I hope I cleared the air here and put things in the right context for people to really understand the problem at hand and what it means to us all because if it passes there other states would be quick to jump on such a movement. You have my full support. I would hate to here that Georgia would be the next state to follow in what can only be deemed as a ridiculous move for we all pay taxes when we work and then we pay taxes again when we buy our cigars and I think this in itself should have pacified the people we elected, a fact that they seem to have forgotten, we elected them!

  • slamb@cigar.comslamb@cigar.com Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
    Keep an eye on Halfhweel.com. They will have updates on all the happenings and goings on for recent legislation for all states.
  • MorganGeoMorganGeo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,606
    http://halfwheel.com/pennsylvania-bill-aims-ban-smoking-cigar-stores-others/ Gents, if you are from Pennsylvania, do us all a favor and write, call, and badger your state reps and legislators to not allow this unconstitutional malarkey from going through!
    This is beyond me how they can try to ban smoking in private establishments. What's next? Banning it in our own homes?
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    First of all, this is extremely off topic and has nothing to do with saving our rights to smoke in a Tobacconist shop, B&M, casino, and or private club. Secondly, his ban has been lifted.... Now let’s move on to what is Actually important here please.
    Nothing to do with it? Aren't we talking about removal of privileges (nowhere are we granted the right to smoke in public, nor are we granted the right to post on internet forums) in both cases? Maybe that's not the way you saw it, but it was the way I saw it, and I therefore found this post to be in terribly poor taste because of it's timing. Further, I think bans and censorship are extremely important when they continually fail to be implemented against members who screw other members but are then inflicted on really great BotLs, though your point is well taken that this might not be the right thread to do it on.

    Why so defensive though? Why such a harsh tone? This is far from what I've come to expect from those representing ccom.
  • Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
    Down where i am there are a few B&M's that stage "Smoke-ins". It's pretty cool. You sign up for CRA(there is a rep on site) and you get a few free cigars. The event is circulated around so the public knows about it. Lists of representatives and congressmen are passed out with all of their contact info to facilitate communication and usually a person or two speaks on any legislation that is currently in the works that could degrade our smoking rights. The turn out is always impressive(tack on "free cigars" to something and they come out of the wood works). Might be an idea to pass on to the owners of the B&M's the rest of us frequent.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Ken Light:
    First of all, this is extremely off topic and has nothing to do with saving our rights to smoke in a Tobacconist shop, B&M, casino, and or private club. Secondly, his ban has been lifted.... Now let’s move on to what is Actually important here please.
    Nothing to do with it? Aren't we talking about removal of privileges (nowhere are we granted the right to smoke in public, nor are we granted the right to post on internet forums) in both cases? Maybe that's not the way you saw it, but it was the way I saw it, and I therefore found this post to be in terribly poor taste because of it's timing. Further, I think bans and censorship are extremely important when they continually fail to be implemented against members who screw other members but are then inflicted on really great BotLs, though your point is well taken that this might not be the right thread to do it on.

    Why so defensive though? Why such a harsh tone? This is far from what I've come to expect from those representing ccom.

    Please stay your words my friend, they will only add fuel to a fire that has burned itself out already. Think on the positive side of things and let us all get behind this cause for it affects us all.

  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    Ken Light:
    First of all, this is extremely off topic and has nothing to do with saving our rights to smoke in a Tobacconist shop, B&M, casino, and or private club. Secondly, his ban has been lifted.... Now let’s move on to what is Actually important here please.
    Nothing to do with it? Aren't we talking about removal of privileges (nowhere are we granted the right to smoke in public, nor are we granted the right to post on internet forums) in both cases? Maybe that's not the way you saw it, but it was the way I saw it, and I therefore found this post to be in terribly poor taste because of it's timing. Further, I think bans and censorship are extremely important when they continually fail to be implemented against members who screw other members but are then inflicted on really great BotLs, though your point is well taken that this might not be the right thread to do it on.

    Why so defensive though? Why such a harsh tone? This is far from what I've come to expect from those representing ccom.
    Dammit Ken, quit making me agree with you.
    It doesn't look good. ROFL!

  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    Ken Light:
    First of all, this is extremely off topic and has nothing to do with saving our rights to smoke in a Tobacconist shop, B&M, casino, and or private club. Secondly, his ban has been lifted.... Now let’s move on to what is Actually important here please.
    Nothing to do with it? Aren't we talking about removal of privileges (nowhere are we granted the right to smoke in public, nor are we granted the right to post on internet forums) in both cases? Maybe that's not the way you saw it, but it was the way I saw it, and I therefore found this post to be in terribly poor taste because of it's timing. Further, I think bans and censorship are extremely important when they continually fail to be implemented against members who screw other members but are then inflicted on really great BotLs, though your point is well taken that this might not be the right thread to do it on.

    Why so defensive though? Why such a harsh tone? This is far from what I've come to expect from those representing ccom.
    Dammit Ken, quit making me agree with you.
    It doesn't look good. ROFL!

    Ah, but you know I'm the yang to your yin. You are 0Patience, and I am 0Tolerance.
  • perkinkeperkinke Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,562
    Ken Light:
    Ken Light:
    First of all, this is extremely off topic and has nothing to do with saving our rights to smoke in a Tobacconist shop, B&M, casino, and or private club. Secondly, his ban has been lifted.... Now let’s move on to what is Actually important here please.
    Nothing to do with it? Aren't we talking about removal of privileges (nowhere are we granted the right to smoke in public, nor are we granted the right to post on internet forums) in both cases? Maybe that's not the way you saw it, but it was the way I saw it, and I therefore found this post to be in terribly poor taste because of it's timing. Further, I think bans and censorship are extremely important when they continually fail to be implemented against members who screw other members but are then inflicted on really great BotLs, though your point is well taken that this might not be the right thread to do it on.

    Why so defensive though? Why such a harsh tone? This is far from what I've come to expect from those representing ccom.
    Dammit Ken, quit making me agree with you.
    It doesn't look good. ROFL!

    Ah, but you know I'm the yang to your yin. You are 0Patience, and I am 0Tolerance.
    I support your right to yin whoever's yang you choose, but please guys, a little discretion? ;)

    but back on topic, my city and county just enacted this kind of ban. Doesn't have much effect since we don't have any smoke shops anyway, but i still disapprove. I supported the smoking ban in bars because there are folks who drink but don't smoke and that isn't a bars sole reason for existing, but a smoke shop? Who goes to a smoke shop and bitches about second hand smoke? That's like going to a winery and complaining about having to listen to pompous a-holes.
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    I would hope that c.com would wade in. They pay a ton of taxes to the state, as well as provide jobs and help the economy in that state.

    Even though this particular ban does not effect them (c.com), the anti people just need a foot in the door, before they try to ban all tobacco products. I'm just sayin'...

  • Gray4linesGray4lines Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,439
    I would hope that c.com would wade in. They pay a ton of taxes to the state, as well as provide jobs and help the economy in that state.

    Even though this particular ban does not effect them (c.com), the anti people just need a foot in the door, before they try to ban all tobacco products. I'm just sayin'...

    Not just ccom. Tobacco is big in PA. Low (or no?) taxes on it too. There are quite a few big online guys there, I hope they step up.
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    http://halfwheel.com/pennsylvania-bill-aims-ban-smoking-cigar-stores-others/ Gents, if you are from Pennsylvania, do us all a favor and write, call, and badger your state reps and legislators to not allow this unconstitutional malarkey from going through!
    This is beyond me how they can try to ban smoking in private establishments. What's next? Banning it in our own homes?

  • 0patience0patience Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    http://halfwheel.com/pennsylvania-bill-aims-ban-smoking-cigar-stores-others/ Gents, if you are from Pennsylvania, do us all a favor and write, call, and badger your state reps and legislators to not allow this unconstitutional malarkey from going through!
    This is beyond me how they can try to ban smoking in private establishments. What's next? Banning it in our own homes?

    Banning in your home and car is coming. Or at least some places are trying to ban those.
    They've managed to ban workplaces, streets, parks, beaches and everything else so far.
    Why should they stop there. Cigar bars shouldn't be smoking bars.
    Cause we all know that they are only a bar and that people that frequent cigar bars are non-smokers and might be harmed by all the cigar smoke.

    They must protect us from ourselves, cause we can't think for ourselves and could cause ourselves harm.
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    http://halfwheel.com/pennsylvania-bill-aims-ban-smoking-cigar-stores-others/ Gents, if you are from Pennsylvania, do us all a favor and write, call, and badger your state reps and legislators to not allow this unconstitutional malarkey from going through!
    This is beyond me how they can try to ban smoking in private establishments. What's next? Banning it in our own homes?

    I believe many apartment complexes already do this. I get that it's not quite the same, but still.
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