It really was a good day. I'm always hesitant to take days off cause it's like taking $250 out of the bank and burning it. But it was definately a good idea to take the day and make sure that insurance and warranties were going to handle all the expenses of this VERY expensive repair (timing belt kit alone cost $900), and then just relax knowing that my money is working for me. On top of getting some good reading down, I got some good photos, spent a good amount of time napping and talking smack on ESPN college football message boards. Now I'm rouning out the day with Monday Night Football.
Is that an "Oprah Book of the Month" club logo on that book?
Nope. It says "The Kiriyama Prize Winner" I don't respect Oprah's opinion on anything after what she did to James Frey. She's just an evil judgemental biatch that really doesn't care for anything other than her own reputation in my opinion.