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My Big Mouth Got Me In Trouble Again.....

greg2648greg2648 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,422
A couple of years ago Bandy sent me a Culebra. It is so beautiful that I could not bear to smoke it. A couple of weeks ago I put out a feeler to see where I might be able to obtain another. Many of you guys gave me great suggestions. I never thought that it would earn me the a$$ beating that I took tonight. You see today I received a package from catfishbluezz. You guessed it, he busted me up with my second Culebra. To make matters worse he proceeded to send a plethora of other fabulous cigars. I thought Catfish liked Bears, but this is shaping up to be a war of epic proportions. As most of you know, I am a friendly sort and I never fight "fire" with "fire." Dustin, I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and my retaliation will give me great pleasure. I know you won't run. I know you won't hide. So you will just have to take it like a man (fish). Thank you for the great cigars.



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