Weird question: What brand of cigar did pirates smoke?

in Cigar 101
I'm a huge fan of the pirate era. Especially the "Golden Age of Piracy" so I really want to know the answer so I can find one! I'm also new to the cigar world!
I'm not real keen on pirate smokes, but stick around this place...I think you'll find it to your liking.
In short, they rolled their own.
***end thread-jack***
However, the "commercialization" (i,e. "branding" of tobacco products) really didn't come about until the 19th century. By that time, the golden age of piracy was largely over. So it's unlikely that pirates ever used a particular tobacco brand; they just bought (or stole) whatever they found on the islands or on the ships they captured. Maybe some preferred Virginia tobacco over Cuban tobacco, but it's doubtful that English pirates boarding a Spanish vessel ever found boxes of banded "Columbus" cigars or tobacco pouches on board. The stuff was generally shipped out in bulk.
Arrrrrrturo Fuente?
Bartender says "hey buddy, what's with the steering wheel?"
Pirate responds "Arrrrrrr it's driving me nuts!"
BA dum tssss
Also, as Admiral, I assign Rain to be head wench.
I can't be the only one to acknowledge te fact that this answer is the best one so far?
Or Viaje Skull and Bones?
How about Berger and ARrrrrrgenti?
Of course they'd light and cut them with a Xikarrrrrrr....
Your post just begs for a thread-jack, Bob, so here it is..... (Lol) what is the significance of the big ol' plane photo in your signature line??