furry wrapper
Okay, its not mold, its not plume, it's not a sun spot, and it doesn't look like tooth. At least I don't think its any of those things. I am at work so I can't show you a picture, but the wrapper looks like it has little sparkly hairs on it. They don't appear to rub off. The cigar was in a tubo with a cedar wrap. Anyone got any guesses?
here it is.....
Cound not find a close up of a tobacco pant, the hair you see there and the tomato plant(leaf and stem) are present as well on the tobacco plant. all though its life cycle . I see these hairs on many of my cigars.
Some biology
"Sometimes plants use hairs and spines for reasons other than making life difficult for animals. By providing greater surface area, or by creating a sunlight- or wind-deflecting blanket, thick mats of hairs or spines can actually help a plant control its temperature. Similarly, a carpet of fuzz on a leaf's underside can reduce a plant's water loss through evaporation."
And judging by your hairs being douched in glitter I'd say that Liberace skipped Puberty and channeled it into your cigar... That's right, you have a prepubescent Liberace wang...... (in a tube)
How's that?????
Keep it up. Hmm, maybe I shouldn't say that to you...