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A Twisted Leader of the Band

WaltBasilWaltBasil Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,675
Package won't fit in my mailbox. I'm not home. Card left. So I ride by the post office after work (a good enough excuse to leave work early on a Friday, right?) t pick up this mystery box. I see it's from one Judicial Drive... Vance!! (Twisted Stem) Barely fits in edgewise into my giant saddlebags...

I get home to open it up, and it's an addition for my slowly evolving man cave!! I had sent him some bands earlier, and he rejected some of them and sent them back.

All joking aside... Wow. This is truly a work of art. Your bookmarks are beautiful, and this is just... those multiplied by a thousand. And I can remember every one of those sticks... not necessarily what they tasted like, but I remember pulling off the bands... usually, my first taste of that particular one. You have outdone yourself Vance. Thank you so much!


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