Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 178
just need to rant a may ignore hahaha.
So I am a man of technology. Usually when something goes wrong, hardware or software or whatever it may be.... I can 99% of the time figure it out...
I have never had a hard drive failure... until recently. When 2 out of 2 of my hard drives failed and my SSD somehow friggin failed as well. less then 2 years old. My mac is also just about to go out as well. I work a next to minimum wage job and...just... at this moment... technology sucks..
thanks lol.
So I am a man of technology. Usually when something goes wrong, hardware or software or whatever it may be.... I can 99% of the time figure it out...
I have never had a hard drive failure... until recently. When 2 out of 2 of my hard drives failed and my SSD somehow friggin failed as well. less then 2 years old. My mac is also just about to go out as well. I work a next to minimum wage job and...just... at this moment... technology sucks..
thanks lol.
If you good with tech, have you thought about trying to go into it? It pays MUCH better than next to minimum wage
I have thought bout going into IT and such... but just.., have no "Real" experience.
PM would be the best way to get my attention if you need it.