just a rant
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 444
4 years ago my dad died from cancer and I inherited his house. Since then I've been trying to sell the house for the past 3 years. During those 3 years the house has been broken into 3 times. So today I go over to check on the house and someone broke in and caused at LEAST $50k in damages. They broke a window, stole my air conditioner unit then went inside and tried to take the oven, they took the copper from the heater. Guess what? Because they took the copper from my heater, the heater stopped working and the pipes burst. As soon as I walked in I stepped into water. Every single room is filled with about 2 inches of water, all of the floors are ruined and the ceiling fell in in the kitchen. I swear if I find out who these sob's are I'll kill them and drop a knife next to their body. Why the hell would someone want to do this ***?? Is it because they're too damn stupid to get an education that will get them a good enough job so they wont have to rely on stealing? If there is anyone reading this post that has ever broken into a house and stolen, or stolen in general, *** YOU. I hope you burn in hell.
Before I met my wife her house was broken into 3 times. So she got Sorsha, a pure Doberman who stayed in the house, and State Farm cancelled her insurance.
A short while back a retired sports figure (boxer..?) went on vacation and had about the same thing happen as you. The punks made a video tape of it and put on Face Book. The boxer found it, had the punks arrested and taken to court. The parents of the punks got very angry at the boxer for showing the video. Not angry at their "children" for what they did mind you but angry at the guy who suffered all the damage for making it public.
About a year ago 3 kids broke into a home just up the road, they got caught and were arrested. You should have heard all the crying and whining from the 3 kids because they were looking at 90 days in the county lock up. Ended up with the parents making good on the damage and the kids were "attended to" by the fathers when they got home.
In one of the New England states a rich kid gets set free after he drove drunk and 4 other kids were killed. Why was he not sent to jail...because he was rich.
What is it going to take in this country before parents and their off spring get back to basics and learn to take personal responsibility.
I spent a weekend this summer re-plumbing the house and it was a nightmare... toilets overflowing with poo, sinks filled with piss... copper ripped so far deeply into the house i have to hack floor and cabinet apart to just repair. place totally trashed and evidence of heavy drug use within. it was depressing... and one of the nastiest jobs of my life. I had it all cleaned up in about a weekend... and a few months later... they did it again. I will never get it sold at this rate!
i have nothing more to add except for sympathy.
good luck.
No copper or windows is worth spending your life, even part of it in jail or prison, depending on your retribution.
Would I shoot?
Of course but I am old and my life is short anyway so it really wouldn't matter much either way to me.
Infrared camera's would be your best friend if well placed and hidden. You get your bad guy's and get to keep your freedom. Just my two cents here, I know personally your frustration dude. If I could travel I'd shoot them for you.
but i do agree, it is just stuff. the lord will hopefully sort out those who do wrong on his own I hope.
No harm, no foul in my book.
I read about this a while back and after several trials can say without a doubt it does work.
Must be embarrassing to be so comically multicolored for so long, unless your thief happens to be a clown.....
I am F'n impressed with that idea! ^^^ 500 points for you today