Thanks to Mr. Jeff Dorais for getting me two Oliva Master Blends (Yes, the original.) He also threw in what looks like an A. Fernandez Maduro (it looks darker than the A. Fernandez that I have had. And he also sent me a La Herencia Cubana Dos Capas which I wanted to try but didn't buy because I cut spending! Thanks man! I owe you. Look out for something coming your way!
I got my Tobacconist Handbook from Tobacconist University (actually Amazon)..interesting little book on the A to Z of cigars, tobacco and pipes...can't smoke it.. but a little more knowledge can't hurt.
I got my Tobacconist Handbook from Tobacconist University (actually Amazon)..interesting little book on the A to Z of cigars, tobacco and pipes...can't smoke it.. but a little more knowledge can't hurt.
I got my Tobacconist Handbook from Tobacconist University (actually Amazon)..interesting little book on the A to Z of cigars, tobacco and pipes...can't smoke it.. but a little more knowledge can't hurt.
2 San Lotano Habano Robusto and 1 EP Carrillo Encantos. Was hoping for my 2 boxes of MOW Puro Authentico like my other SoCal brothers received today.
I love those EP Carillo cigars Todd. Have you tried one yet? If you're as big a fan of La Gloria Cubana as I am, I think that's one cigar that is right up your alley.
2 San Lotano Habano Robusto and 1 EP Carrillo Encantos. Was hoping for my 2 boxes of MOW Puro Authentico like my other SoCal brothers received today.
I love those EP Carillo cigars Todd. Have you tried one yet? If you're as big a fan of La Gloria Cubana as I am, I think that's one cigar that is right up your alley.
I haven't tried one yet, this is the first time I've been to a B&M in a while, I was actually going for some AF WOA Maduro's but got distracted. I have seen them on line but really wanted to physically see them first. Being that LGC was one of my first "go to" cigars, i have been wanting to try this for a while. Maybe I'll brave the rain tonight and sit on the back patio to enjoy it. I did find a bottle of the Plantation 20 year old rum that Rob was talking about a while ago and maybe I can pair it with that.
2 San Lotano Habano Robusto and 1 EP Carrillo Encantos. Was hoping for my 2 boxes of MOW Puro Authentico like my other SoCal brothers received today.
I love those EP Carillo cigars Todd. Have you tried one yet? If you're as big a fan of La Gloria Cubana as I am, I think that's one cigar that is right up your alley.
I haven't tried one yet, this is the first time I've been to a B&M in a while, I was actually going for some AF WOA Maduro's but got distracted. I have seen them on line but really wanted to physically see them first. Being that LGC was one of my first "go to" cigars, i have been wanting to try this for a while. Maybe I'll brave the rain tonight and sit on the back patio to enjoy it. I did find a bottle of the Plantation 20 year old rum that Rob was talking about a while ago and maybe I can pair it with that.