Anybody else hate losing an hour every Spring? Whoever came up with this idea should be tarred and feathered! Always takes me a few weeks to adjust after losing this stinking hour every year.
Yes, but I'm a genius.
I switch from five 8 hour days starting at 7:30 am to four 10 hour days starting at 6:00am.
And then the spring back thing happens. So I really get messed up on things.
Not like I sleep anyways. LOL!
CNN had an article at the beginning of the year about how to fix our time zone/DST issues. It was simple really and made way too much sense. So obviously, it won't happen. Get rid of DST. Combine EST with Central. Combine Pacific with Mountain Time. You now have the continental US with only two time zones. Forget three hour time changes for cross country travel. Forget East Coast bias in sports (because we don't stay up to watch California games).
Well, as I understand it, that's only partly true. When my child bride and I did the "Four Corners" thing a few years ago, we found that the state of Arizona doesn't recognize DST. That portion of the state that is Navajo Reservation does, however, recognize it. Except that the Hopi Indian Reservations (plural) that are surrounded by Navajo Reservation land like small islands do NOT recognize it.
And that, boys and girls, endeth today's lesson on the simplicity of life. Hope that clarifies it for you..... LOL
CNN had an article at the beginning of the year about how to fix our time zone/DST issues. It was simple really and made way too much sense. So obviously, it won't happen. Get rid of DST. Combine EST with Central. Combine Pacific with Mountain Time. You now have the continental US with only two time zones. Forget three hour time changes for cross country travel. Forget East Coast bias in sports (because we don't stay up to watch California games).
The only part I do like is having an extra hour of sunlight at night especially when I get off work.
+1. It only takes a day or so to get adjusted to the time change and that's worth having the extra hour of daylight. I like that plan from sleeveplz since I'm EST, but would be pissed if I was in CST.
I actually cant wait until this time of year... it seems this is my normal schedule and changing to regular time is whats hard.... during the winter im always up an hour early... and now back on time! so nice!
I switch from five 8 hour days starting at 7:30 am to four 10 hour days starting at 6:00am.
And then the spring back thing happens. So I really get messed up on things.
Not like I sleep anyways. LOL!
Well, as I understand it, that's only partly true. When my child bride and I did the "Four Corners" thing a few years ago, we found that the state of Arizona doesn't recognize DST. That portion of the state that is Navajo Reservation does, however, recognize it. Except that the Hopi Indian Reservations (plural) that are surrounded by Navajo Reservation land like small islands do NOT recognize it.
And that, boys and girls, endeth today's lesson on the simplicity of life. Hope that clarifies it for you..... LOL
Imagine how much fun you'd have setting them all if you lived in Arizona.... Lol