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Rain ( Randy )

curtpickcurtpick Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,600
Let me just say this was received yesterday.
To say the least I was put back by this.
As many of you may or may not know I and Randy have had our issues in the past.
I think we both can say we both acted at best ,inappropriately, and we have had our differences.
So I get this and really had to think on how exactly I could respond.
I know we have had our differences,
I know we dont agree on everything,
I know I have been a jerk and could have handled things differently.
Over the last couple days we have texted each other and have tried to tread softly.
You know and I know we both can be so different, but also are so much alike.
I just want to apologize publicly for not handling it in the proper fashion.
You, sir have shown that you have the where with all to come up front and break the ice.
For that sir I can have the deepest respect for you.
You didn't have to go this far, but you did, and for that I thank you man.
I hope we can put our differences behind us now.
And if there is anything, literally anything, I can do for you, please let me know.
You have shown me that I have a lot to learn.
A lot of the BOTL here never took sides, and tried to smooth things out between us.
Never once did I hear any negativity , they just wanted things to be good between us.
And for that, ALL OF YOU, I thank you.
This place is more than just a place to learn of cigars, and the craft , but more so, a place where one can find true friendship, even in the worst of situations
Applause to all of you !
But more so to Randy for teaching me, I can be a better BOTL.
Thanks Randy


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