Comedy Bits...
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,182
Sometimes you just need something silly to laugh at. Here's a clip from one of my favorite comedians, Tim Hawkins, on aging musicians...
Feel free to post stuff you think is funny...
Feel free to post stuff you think is funny...
You're absolutely right. He isn't for everyone. Particularly this oldfart.... (Me). I saw not a damned thing funny about the guy. Seems like nowadays all a person has to do is dream up some sort of stupid dialogue, lace it liberally with the "F" word or references to bodily functions, and instant success as a comic is practically guaranteed.
Don't get me wrong - I use the "F" word myself. I'm an ex-Navy, retired construction stiff. I'm no prude, by a long shot, but when a population begins to believe that downright, out-and-out vulgarity and nastiness is a direct and acceptable replacement for plain, good-old humor for the sake of humor then I believe we have a problem. End of rant.
you may now return to your regularly scheduled programming.... Lol
R.I.P. David Brenner
Born Feb 4th 1936. Lived to March 15th 2014.
Lots of laughs in between.
David Brenner on Seduction
Dr. Ruth said if you want to be a better lover, what you should is when you get in bed with your woman, before you do anything else, you should recite an erotic poem to her. Now let me ask you something. Is there one man here who knows an erotic poem that doesn’t have the word “Nantucket” in it?
I'm assuming you meant that facetiously. I like to think that intelligent people are above the level of so-called 'standup comics' who are forced to resort to shock and filth when they're unable to generate humor. A good example of that would be Richard Pryor at the point in his career when he became exquisitely un-funny after being one of the funniest humans around. He just lost it. After a while, he discovered the shock value of hitting his audience in the face with the "F" word and with derogatory black jokes. His audience, not knowing how to react to this strange new kind of dialogue, tittered nervously at first. Others interpreted the tittering as laughter and a new mind-set regarding humor was born.
No one is saying it has to be clean to be funny but where is it written that "Disgusting" equals "Funny"??
Well, if you're serious (and you seem to be) then I'm sorry for you. I don't know how to improve your outlook on life......
George Carlin - Seven Dirty Words
But then, unfortunately, he rotted somehow. Kinda' like an old piece of fruit that you let stay around for too long. In the end was bitter, vile and angry. Even though he made an honest attempt to express these nasty thoughts in a funny way, I just considered him rotted. Even though plenty of people loved to listen to his nasty rants from late in his career, I don't seem to remember much actual laughter at that point. Mostly there were just cheers in accordance to his angry rants of who and what annoyed him and the vile retribution he wished upon his annoyances. Even if they were children. Or,........ even if they were cigar enthusiasts. That's right, look it up.
Once we have smashed the last icon, what will we have left left to sell?
Here's a funny guy who loved cigars:
The seats weren't great (can't complain for $25!), but he did all new material for his special coming out this summer called "What Now?" Dude is hilarious.