smoking outside vs inside?
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
in Cigar 101
Ive been wondering for some time now about the two. For me, when I smoke indoors I never have a cigar go out on me unless I let it sit too long. Now when I smoke outside in mild wind I always have a cigar go out on me. In fact I have to puff away at it many more times than I normally would and then I get a strong bitter taste and though the cigar stays lit longer it still goes out, usually after the first ash if that. Now when there is no wind, then I have one go out sometimes. Now I'm wondering if it is just me or what? I don't do anything differently and it really grinds my gears. I really notice this on the golf course, in fact I don't even smoke cigars on the green anymore. Anyone have this issue? btw I have a steady rh of 59-63
But my beads are 65%'s... and I make sure they hold at 65% if not more...
I doubt it's your RH humidity in your humidor. It's this "mother nature" crap. I haven't had a cigar with out a breeze in many many moons. Sometimes the night starts out nice and calm and I can get a good 2 inches off, but as soon as a breeze comes, it's nothing but trouble the rest of the way down the cigar.
Let's think of this as a science experiment.
Of all the variables in our equation that we can control, from the temperature to the RH humidity INSIDE OUR HUMIDORS, as soon as we remove the cigar out of it's controlled environment to the outside world, we are putting it at risk. The weather outside is completely uncontrollable and not very predictable. The slightest breeze or a change in wind direction, or a drop barometric pressure, heat swells coming from the ground or the weather guy being way off... again. Everything can effect a cigars performance when outside.
Indoors will always be a more controlled environment. Not perfect, but your chances of having problems indoors will be far less.
I have NEVER had any trouble indoors. Ever. Outdoors... within mother natures cold grasp... My troubles are never ending.