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Checking In

JMartinez10JMartinez10 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 296
Hey brothers, I know I haven't been on and please don't take it as a sign of disregard/disrespect. I've truly been busy and everytime I want to get on I just can't seem to do so because something else comes up. I haven't found a job yet which is good and bad depending on how you look at it. It just stinks that I'm out trying everything and no hits. Fingers crossed and prayers appreciated for an interview I have tomorrow. Let's hope all goes well. On a brighter note my 4 year old's baseball team is undefeated and continue to improve daily/weekly. I know I have some much needed drop offs to make to my local USPS but with the job search and lack of funds I can't right now I really hope you all understand. Take care brothers and hopefully I won't be away for as long as I have been.

Coach J


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