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webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
First, ditch posse comitatus so we can put together a domestic army, then stockpile a billion hollow point rounds, now make sure we can flip a switch to disable all those pesky citizens' triggers. And don't forget to monitor their every communication.

Got your tinfoil hat on?


Say no more. Big Brother is watching.


  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    I talked to an old and close friend in the Federal government who lives in N VA, and I asked him if there was any inside info on this "technology". His answer was nothing really new and it was a very simple easy idea (would have to be for some dems to understand). A short distance battery operated signal is all it really is and he thinks they all will be in a specific frequency range.

    Then I posed a question to him, "Could a tower with some real broadcasting power be used to turn them all off from a great distance..?". Crickets and more crickets. I don't think he had thought about it before. Now, I have forgot more then I knew about such technology but to this day I do not own a cell phone.

    Maybe some one here could expand and share their knowledge about this because it ain't goin away. When DCS asked about my firearms all they got was blank silence. If my doctor ever asks about my firearms he will get the same answer. Dxxm lxxxxxxxs keep trying and you would think by now they would move on, especially after getting their hats handed to them at so many levels and so often.

    Then I remembered he smoked cigars and we had about an hour of talk of pleasant things. I am also trying to get him to join our little group of ne'er-do-well and mad bombers. I had to explain very carefully about forum bombs, he is after all a FED employee.

  • Bob LukenBob Luken Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    I heard about this type of smart-gun single user "technology" decades ago. DECADES AGO! Magnetic strip built into a ring that you wear. Then there's a matching thing-a-ma-jig in the handle of your gun's grip so only the wearer of the ring can fire the gun.

    If anybody wanted that sh!t it would already be widely available and cheap. If the guv'ment forces it on us it will be hard to get, it won't work well and, of course, it will be expensive.
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    There is a current weapon out that you wear a watch with. Not sure how the technology works but I do not know 1 single person who has any interest in such a thing. I do not know the name or link but have seen it posted on FB several times lately.
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