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Royln, Jim and the rest of the board as a whole...

Jetmech_63Jetmech_63 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,384
It's amazing how your entire world can change over the course of a few days. On march 26th my son Jacob was born. A few hours after he was born his oxygen saturation a plunged and he started turning blue. He was admitted to the NICU at the hospital with a collapsed left lung. The team down there was nothing short of amazing and he recovered in 4 days. The wife and I really found out what eachother was made of as through the entire 5 day process we banked about 8 hours of sleep total. At the end we were physically and emotionally done. I can honestly say I cried more in those 5 days than I have in all of my adult life. My relationship with my wife got stronger than ever as did my faith and relationship with God. Everyone who has kids has always told me "your entire life is going to change" or "you can't imagine the love you'll have for your kids" and I now know what they meant. I truly believe as your child comes out and let's out its first cry, that is as close as someone can get to seeing God face to face without dying, and it's humbling, and in the split second you realize this you cry right along with him. photo 25A18650-C972-4A92-9C1A-D940D72DED4C.jpg photo 981B7D8C-91BD-4BCD-94A5-6515C545DD1B.jpg
After all of that I come home and find my mail box blown up. By people I've never physically met aside from maybe vherf. The kindness, prayers, generosity and just genuinely good hearted people on here continually reset the standards of humanity. This board truly feels like an extended family of brothers and sisters I haven't met. And to recieve unconditional and genuine support from so many people, I truly wish I had words that could do it justice. photo FA5E3179-CF44-4097-AF58-63008E95BCF3.jpg
Royln and Jim, you two knuckleheads are the case in point where I simply lack the articulation to do my gratitude justice. This will not ever be forgotten, thank you so much! Morgan, Jason, Lee who each disrespected my mailbox, thank you. On some of my darkest days, checking th mail and finding an unexpected small flat rate mailer did things to my spirits that I can only hope to reciprocate one day. Puff... For putting together the pass, the second one for a new father. The true substance of your character truly shines through, even over the internet. Thank you for everything and may God bless you and your works. And finally Curt, the winner of my new baby contest. I thank you and my liver curses you for introducing me to Zaya! What almost divine irony for you of all people to win. Many times on vherf were spent just you and I, last ones standing, and you really put my mind and spirit at ease with my worries about becoming a new father. Thank you for praying with me and I can't imagine a more deserving g brother for the prize I'm about to send your way.
I know this barely scratches the surface of BOTLs out there, Eric1, Eric2, Martel, Randy, Brian, Tony, Hilk, Drew, Sam, DZR, Juinn... I beg your forgiveness if I left you out, my mind is in 30 diffrent directions, but know that I value your friendship just the same.


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