I can't understand why people smoke Gurkhas. Kidding aside, I absolutely cannot play any musical instruments. I tried to learn both bass and guitar, but I just do not have the ability to do it.
Cook decent hasbrowns. I can do home fries, french fries and some incredibly complicated meals, but straight shredded potato hashbrowns kick my ass every time.
I can't catch a fish to save my life. I lived right on the Chesapeake Bay for 4 years. Can't count how many lines I cast. Can't count how many different types of bait I tried, depths I tried, locations I tried. I spent entire days fishing with my brother who sat right next to me and caught about 20 fish. In 4 years you know how many fish I caught????
Can't or won't? Won't would be just a decision, but can't,.........would be,... just,..... I never heard of that.
Ok Ok. Won't. Since my freshman year in hs.
very hard to look important when you do use a straw. could you imagine sitting in a business meeting and making a very good point and trying to punctuate your statement with a sip of water and missing the straw. ... cant recover from that.
Can't or won't? Won't would be just a decision, but can't,.........would be,... just,..... I never heard of that.
Ok Ok. Won't. Since my freshman year in hs.
very hard to look important when you do use a straw. could you imagine sitting in a business meeting and making a very good point and trying to punctuate your statement with a sip of water and missing the straw. ... cant recover from that.
Ok ok. Long story short ...
Freshman year in HS I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. (all 4 at once) ...... (no sleeping gas BS either, just numbing shots, pliers, Xacto knife and a flat head screwdriver). The procedure itself was tough. Probably one of the worst pain I endured in my life. After the procedure the dentist gave me strict instructions not to drink using a straw. I was in so much pain and in a pissed off mood that I ignored them.
Here comes my mom to pick me up from the dentist. She had a milk shake waiting for me thinking it would make me feel better. On the way home I started to drink the milkshake. After about 3 gulps I noticed that the shake was only half way up the straw. Then I realized that I was gulping blood. What happened was that I reopened the 4 holes in my mouth and was drinking blood. I freaked out. Blood everywhere, Mom had to bust a U to the dentist to fix me. Straws = bad
Can't or won't? Won't would be just a decision, but can't,.........would be,... just,..... I never heard of that.
Ok Ok. Won't. Since my freshman year in hs.
very hard to look important when you do use a straw. could you imagine sitting in a business meeting and making a very good point and trying to punctuate your statement with a sip of water and missing the straw. ... cant recover from that.
Ok ok. Long story short ...
Freshman year in HS I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. (all 4 at once) ...... (no sleeping gas BS either, just numbing shots, pliers, Xacto knife and a flat head screwdriver). The procedure itself was tough. Probably one of the worst pain I endured in my life. After the procedure the dentist gave me strict instructions not to drink using a straw. I was in so much pain and in a pissed off mood that I ignored them.
Here comes my mom to pick me up from the dentist. She had a milk shake waiting for me thinking it would make me feel better. On the way home I started to drink the milkshake. After about 3 gulps I noticed that the shake was only half way up the straw. Then I realized that I was gulping blood. What happened was that I reopened the 4 holes in my mouth and was drinking blood. I freaked out. Blood everywhere, Mom had to bust a U to the dentist to fix me. Straws = bad
Damn Daniel. I have all 4 of mine pulled out sophomore year...no gas either...just got numbed and felt that mofo with the pliers the whole time!
Can't or won't? Won't would be just a decision, but can't,.........would be,... just,..... I never heard of that.
Ok Ok. Won't. Since my freshman year in hs.
very hard to look important when you do use a straw. could you imagine sitting in a business meeting and making a very good point and trying to punctuate your statement with a sip of water and missing the straw. ... cant recover from that.
Ok ok. Long story short ...
Freshman year in HS I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. (all 4 at once) ...... (no sleeping gas BS either, just numbing shots, pliers, Xacto knife and a flat head screwdriver). The procedure itself was tough. Probably one of the worst pain I endured in my life. After the procedure the dentist gave me strict instructions not to drink using a straw. I was in so much pain and in a pissed off mood that I ignored them.
Here comes my mom to pick me up from the dentist. She had a milk shake waiting for me thinking it would make me feel better. On the way home I started to drink the milkshake. After about 3 gulps I noticed that the shake was only half way up the straw. Then I realized that I was gulping blood. What happened was that I reopened the 4 holes in my mouth and was drinking blood. I freaked out. Blood everywhere, Mom had to bust a U to the dentist to fix me. Straws = bad
Damn Daniel. I have all 4 of mine pulled out sophomore year...no gas either...just got numbed and felt that mofo with the pliers the whole time!
I'm probably alone here but I enjoy going to the dentist ...... Just had a bad root canal yanked along with a wisdom that finally came through pulled on the same day .... I know all about dry sockets and wouldn't use a straw or smoke 3 full weeks past the procedure ..... Just some numbing shots and on the way .... I enjoyed it though LOL I guess I'm a glutton for pain.
Guess I'll have to contract a cheap elbow licker!
OH….I should clarify, I am not very tall….I wish it was the other reason
the Vulcan hand gesture, not the activity.
Yes. Zero! None! Zilch! Nadda!
... cant recover from that.
Freshman year in HS I had to get my wisdom teeth pulled out. (all 4 at once) ...... (no sleeping gas BS either, just numbing shots, pliers, Xacto knife and a flat head screwdriver). The procedure itself was tough. Probably one of the worst pain I endured in my life. After the procedure the dentist gave me strict instructions not to drink using a straw. I was in so much pain and in a pissed off mood that I ignored them.
Here comes my mom to pick me up from the dentist. She had a milk shake waiting for me thinking it would make me feel better. On the way home I started to drink the milkshake. After about 3 gulps I noticed that the shake was only half way up the straw. Then I realized that I was gulping blood. What happened was that I reopened the 4 holes in my mouth and was drinking blood. I freaked out. Blood everywhere, Mom had to bust a U to the dentist to fix me. Straws = bad
I'm probably alone here but I enjoy going to the dentist ...... Just had a bad root canal yanked along with a wisdom that finally came through pulled on the same day .... I know all about dry sockets and wouldn't use a straw or smoke 3 full weeks past the procedure ..... Just some numbing shots and on the way .... I enjoyed it though LOL I guess I'm a glutton for pain.