MOW 25

I've seen a few people smoking these, what are your thoughts? Hoping I'm wrong, but the negative spirit inside of me says they probably taste like a Virture (FTW). While not a bad thing, if I wanted a Virtue (FTW), I'd smoke a Virtue (FTW).
It's all a matter of taste and palate. Try revisiting stuff you didn't like in the past after a year or two. Sometimes age, or a change in palate, will cause cigars you didn't like in the past to taste better.
I know that I've come around a full circle to Connecticut wrappers. Hated them for being too mild in the past, but after retrohaling, a lot of mild blends are actually amazing. Case in point for me is the 3x3 corona. Arguably one of the most mild cigars out there, but after reading what kuzi said about musk being the signature olfactory sensation from Kelner's blends and tasting it, I actually enjoyed it a lot. I laugh when I see reviews complaining that cigar is 'stale', because that's exactly what the reviewers are tasting without realizing that it's actually what Kelner's blends are about.
I thought the 25s (FTW) were just a rebranded/repackaged Virtue (FTW).....they tasted the same to me.
Given that bearb indicated that an insider told him that they were the same, I'd go with his version...