Stanwell Mojo

in Pipes
Whats your guys Opinions on this bad boy? I think it looks just killer! But the Rubberizing? think it truly can be smoked from? I want it... but fight with the price tag that forces my mind to conjure up thoughts of smoking burning tires... What do you guys think?
Is the pipe actually completly rubber? I was thinking it was a rubber dipped Briar, Does the tobacco actually burn on this rubber or is there a liner?
Sorry for all the questions!
I suppose ive encountered such types of coatings and rubber that are exposed combustion in some form. mostly in piston and chamber coatings on engine parts. Those coatings are extremly durable under those crazy enviroments, so i imagine that a pipe could be made of such a material that handles much lower but direct temps. But is it safe for consumption?
I really like the idea of this being a neutral pipe. With a wipe out and a few cleaners this pipe should be easily clear of residue and ghost. This seems like a perfect blend test pipe. I could smoke and Aro in the morning and by night be on a Balkan and never skip a beat and only pack one piece. Interesting concept particularly if its so light. Like a biker or hikers dream.
But I do agree the price is something. Its an expensive gamble...