Hey guys... what's been goin on.

hey guys, just thought I owed y'all an explanation why I dropped off the face of the... forum hahaha.
When I first dropped off, I had gotten trainer at my previous position so I was just busy. Starting about 3 months ago or so *maybe 2...* I started having some internal problems in which I was visiting the doctors to figure out what was going on. Then about 3 weeks ago, I had some major health issues come up and was admitted to the hospital for a couple days... luckily they caught what I had quickly and it wasnt too bad *still dealing with it* Around the same time this happened, I started a new position at my job and the hours have been horrible and inconsistent. So, right now I am dealing with a bunch of medical bills, a new position, and just stress about an upcoming big life change. But I will do my best to get back in the community. would love some prayers if yall would be willing!