Traveling humi for a month?

in Cigar 101
Hey all! I'll be going away for a little more than a month and wondering what my options could be for that long a term and bringing a few sticks with me. (and by 'few' I mean about 15. Maybe 20.) I'll be traveling/touring across the US and I'm assuming my 15-ct herfador would not be right for this...Or if it is, do I just need a good humidifying agent? Any thoughts? Thanks again guys!
I just got back from a few weeks in hawaii and I brought along 2 herfadors with sticks and I did water pillows in them, however I didn't take into account the HIGH HUMIDITY IN HAWAII.... holy wet smokes batman, it sucked to say the least. The boveda's woulda done the trick of keeping them not only humid, but not over humidified depending on where you travel to. and they are rechargeable!
Been looking at that one myself and the idea of reducing the number of smokes for the necessary accessories makes it a perfect choice, at least for me.
I didn't even think about putting the accessories in with it! Long as I can make it safe that sounds awesome. You think that brand/case is as reliable as the humicare herf?