I was pm'ing him a few days ago. Apparently, he was finishing a course and didn't want to get distracted for now. He says he'll be active on the forums soon though.
haven't seen him in awhile and if you see him...Tell him I want to dance. Time to bring him back to the dance floor.
I can't even come back on my own terms, lol. Sorry for the little break, I've been a little busy with work. But, Dance you say, then a tango you'll get.....
haven't seen him in awhile and if you see him...Tell him I want to dance. Time to bring him back to the dance floor.
I can't even come back on my on terms, lol. Sorry for the little break, I've been a little busy with work. But, Dance you say, then a tango you'll get.....
I don't buy it. I think RCY found someone's phone already signed into the Ccom forums and decided to talk himself up so he could make a grand entrance like those crazy pageant parents that train their children to do. Only this wasn't sparkly and cute.
haven't seen him in awhile and if you see him...Tell him I want to dance. Time to bring him back to the dance floor.
I can't even come back on my on terms, lol. Sorry for the little break, I've been a little busy with work. But, Dance you say, then a tango you'll get.....
I don't buy it. I think RCY found someone's phone already signed into the Ccom forums and decided to talk himself up so he could make a grand entrance like those crazy pageant parents that train their children to do. Only this wasn't sparkly and cute.
So, this is all a conspiracy between RCY and Morgan? I believe it.
I have the one from back in December. Do you think it's changed? I know he's on the road a lot. I just wanted to do maybe a little 5-10er blind trade of the sorts. Just a lil slow dance. I'm not ready for the tango. Haha. I just miss the fun he brings to the forum.
haven't seen him in awhile and if you see him...Tell him I want to dance. Time to bring him back to the dance floor.
I can't even come back on my own terms, lol. Sorry for the little break, I've been a little busy with work. But, Dance you say, then a tango you'll get.....
Morgan, you trying to start your own personal gang war?
lol, no I'm not. I like just messing with him. I just sent him a happy as a gift. He was the nicest grizzled vet to me back when I joined last November and I just want to tell him thanks and bring him back to the boards more often.
Morgan, you trying to start your own personal gang war?
lol, no I'm not. I like just messing with him. I just sent him a happy as a gift. He was the nicest grizzled vet to me back when I joined last November and I just want to tell him thanks and bring him back to the boards more often.
Well Mr. Morgan happy gift showed up in the form of a Brick tossed at my House, lol. SOG, paybacks hurt. Morgan, thank you again for this fine gesture. This cigar actually was one of the first cigars I use to smoke all the time. When I was Germany, the shoppette on post sold them. What memories you brought back, thank you brother. Just so you know, I've already smoked one and gave one to one of my soldiers as well. You do know what happens next, right . Anyway, here's what good ol Morgan sent me. Yes, that's a bundle ??Thank you again brother...
I can't even come back on my own terms, lol. Sorry for the little break, I've been a little busy with work. But, Dance you say, then a tango you'll get.....
So, this is all a conspiracy between RCY and Morgan? I believe it.
Dude, you are so Fudged!!!!!!!!
Morgan, you have no idea what kind if day I just had. But this just made up for it. Comedy freakin central you guys are, lol!
Well Mr. Morgan happy gift showed up in the form of a Brick tossed at my House, lol. SOG, paybacks hurt. Morgan, thank you again for this fine gesture. This cigar actually was one of the first cigars I use to smoke all the time. When I was Germany, the shoppette on post sold them. What memories you brought back, thank you brother. Just so you know, I've already smoked one and gave one to one of my soldiers as well. You do know what happens next, right