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Davidoff Reviews Round-up

matthewjmichaelmatthewjmichael Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 41
The Davidoff Maduro R (9.1/10) By far the favorite of the four smokes, the Maduro R has a beautiful dark brown wrapper and cut very clean with notes of licorice. The R scored a nearly perfect score in the burn category with a slight deduction for a loose ash. The flavor profiles are not over-bearing but were smooth with a subtle sweetness. Overall, this smoke is worth the $15 price point per stick. The Davidoff Millennium Blend (8.7/10) The Lancero had a nice pigtail head and a clean wrapper with a nice draw and sweet notes. The ash was a nearly perfect white and held very well but one re-light was required. There was a consistent flavor of roasted nuts, hints of cedar, and maybe a hint of dark chocolate but the transitions were very subtle. Overall, this was a good smoke but at $20 there are several other sticks I would recommend for a special occasion. The Davidoff Seleccion 702 LE (8.1/10) Another very clean Ecuadorian wrapper with minimal veins and excellent pre-light draw. We did a joint review on this stick and we both had loose, mixed-colored ashes and one of us had to re-light. There is very little if any movement in this cigar and the flavor was rather bland throughout. By no means is this a bad cigar, but when the price of a single ($25-8) is the price of a good 5-pack of other smokes on sale, it is hard to justify re-purchasing or recommending this stick. The Zino Classic (6.9/10) The appearance on this Torpedoed classic was excellent–beautiful wrapper, elegant band, and minimal veins. This was another joint review and the ash on one of the sticks created one the most dramatic splits I’ve ever seen, creating nearly two separate ashes. As with the Davidoff’s, the flavor profile was very subtle and hard to pick up on; there was a bit of pepper but the rest was a bit bland. Though priced more nicely at around $7 a stick, there just wasn’t enough flavor for me to buy this one again.
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