Red minions to the right, blue minions to the left, ready, DODGEBALL! Tune in to your red / blue news channel for tomorrw's opinion later tonight.
Brilliant! Get a bunch of politicians from Washington, seperate em to red and blue teams and have them play dodgeball with balls that randomly explode:). I would SO buy that on pay per view!!!
I'm sick of the whole red state-blue state junk. How about a "free state" where we can regain our personal liberties and take care of ourselves again instead of waiting for some new handout while the Federal Govt spends, spies and lies?
I'm sick of the whole red state-blue state junk. How about a "free state" where we can regain our personal liberties and take care of ourselves again instead of waiting for some new handout while the Federal Govt spends, spies and lies?