Lat smell cross breeding with cigars

in Pipes last order from CCom, I grabbed a bundle of 4x4, along with some latakia and perique for blending. They were shipped in the same box and it took a week via snail mail. This lat has a wonderful stank to it, I mean my whole room smells like lat now, even though it is in my tobacco drawer. I received the cigars on Monday with the baccy, and today I took them out of the freezer. They smell like Lat! and I mean as soon as I took them out of the freezer bag I could smell it on each cigar lol. So, I wrapped them in newspaper and will let them dry out for a couple days. After that, I will pull the newspaper, add cedar sheets, and boveda, and keep them in a bag for a week or so to see if the lat goes away. I will report my findings here. In the meantime, I do not think I will be ordering cigars and pipe tobacco in the same box again lol.