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How I spent my Fourth of July

Beaker38Beaker38 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 184
Well being a firefighter we get called to some nasty things but this one was by far the worst. http://www.news10.com/story/25945612/state-police-two-dead-after-thruway-accident. turns out the driver was drinking and driving around 155 MPH minutes before the accident. he side swiped a car and then went into spins and hit the side of his car against the back end of a tractor trailer, which split the car into. the back end was more than 150 feet away from the front end and debris from the accident was everywhere. I ended up being on the first truck on scene. If I can get one message out to everyone is that never drink and drive and always wear your seat belts in a vehicle. Here are some other links of that accident: http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Thousands-of-Bieber-fans-grieve-Thruway-death-5602803.php http://www.news10.com/story/25967008/driver-faces-several-charges-after-double-fatal-accident-on-thruway http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Vehicular-homicide-manslaughter-charges-in-5606888.php


  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
  • ChemnitzChemnitz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,070
    Thank you for your good service in doing this difficult work. As they say in Australia, "If you drink and drive you're a bloody idiot."
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    I am amazed at the skill and guts you guys show on a daily basis. You run to the sounds of carnage and lay it on the line every time you answer a call. And it is becoming more frequent in certain areas the very people you are trying to help are trying to harm you. I don't know how you do it, and then go home to your family's and stay sane. My hat is off to you, all of you.
  • CharlieHeisCharlieHeis Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,371
    Why is it that the dumb sh!t that is driving drunk and incredibly reckless is always the one to survive? 150 mph? He deserves life in prison for the two lives he took.
  • Beaker38Beaker38 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 184
    when there is a job to be done none of the horror really get to me. I have been to fatal's before, the last one we had was in January where the guy crashed into a tree without wearing his seat belt on the thruway. but he died a day later in a hospital. I personally feel bad for the parents of the 2 that died. in my town of around 40,000 we don't get that many fatal accidents but i really feel bad for this one that happened in the town http://wnyt.com/article/stories/S3499357.shtml?cat=300 it happened yesterday and luckily i didn't get called to it where this women buried to death in her car. The parts where it is bothersome is when you hear screaming or when you tell yourself if i did ______ maybe they would be still alive.
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    That is tragic for all involved, especially the living. Probably could have happened to a lot of us in our youth doing stupid things. You did all you possibly could do, you are human, and you grieve. Think of all the lives you have saved or made better. Even some you probably don't know about. America needs more humble hero's like you guys.
  • blutattooblutattoo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,100
    Had a similar call a couple years ago. Kid drunk crossed center line and hit a family going the opposite direction. The wife survived but the rest of the family died on scene. We had to extricate her and she was facing what remained of her husband while we cut her out. Absolutely one of the worst things I've ever seen. You try to not let it get to you, but some things you can't unsee. One of the reasons I left and became a fire life safety consultant. I hope you're doing alright with it.
  • FireRobFireRob Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,884
    Don't know what was in the air or water but the last month has been crazy. In the last 10 or so shifts I have made 17 fatality's. Very thing from car wrecks, shootings, hangings, and just TMB's (too many birthdays).

    Stay safe.
  • Beaker38Beaker38 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 184
    Yeah i am doing ok thanks for asking. Yeah i understand S**t happens but you really never get used to it.
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