Question about: UPS, Cigars & Outside Temperatures

in Cigar 101
So I have made 3 different cigar orders (couldn't help going back on 3 separate occasions to "order more sticks") Dam n Sales get me every time :P
I have received 2 of the 3, but the 3rd says on the UPS site that it will arrive Friday instead of today-Tuesday due to ......
" A late UPS trailer arrival has caused a delay. We're adjusting plans to deliver your package as quickly as possible Friday, 07/18/2014, By End of Day "
The question is;
When UPS delivers them, they will just throw the box on the front walkway and leave, No one is going to be home here until Monday sometime, and the temp's here are staying in the high upper 90's to the low 100's and the front walkway is in the direct sun from 6am to around 4/4:30pm before it gets shady there but the heat is still bad until around midnight
So with the sun/heat (& assuming no one would walk up and just take the box)
Have any of you ever called/contacted UPS to "Hold an order" ? and if so would the sticks being held at there shop (if they do that) be in any better position ?
I have received 2 of the 3, but the 3rd says on the UPS site that it will arrive Friday instead of today-Tuesday due to ......
" A late UPS trailer arrival has caused a delay. We're adjusting plans to deliver your package as quickly as possible Friday, 07/18/2014, By End of Day "
The question is;
When UPS delivers them, they will just throw the box on the front walkway and leave, No one is going to be home here until Monday sometime, and the temp's here are staying in the high upper 90's to the low 100's and the front walkway is in the direct sun from 6am to around 4/4:30pm before it gets shady there but the heat is still bad until around midnight
So with the sun/heat (& assuming no one would walk up and just take the box)
Have any of you ever called/contacted UPS to "Hold an order" ? and if so would the sticks being held at there shop (if they do that) be in any better position ?
Neighborhood is very nice & quiet but no one really knows anybody around here,so not comfortable asking anyone around here
Am giving a good family friend a house key, he said he will check a few times a day and when they show up will bring them in and put them in the wineadoor for me, gotta get that guy a dinner certificate
Thanks for the advice on this. Will defiantly look into calling them if I run into this again, It's extremely rare that nobody is home
It then is unloaded from the plane and driven a half mile or so to the APO where it gets sorted and dropped in our bin for pickup. Depending on when the mail plane gets there and when we go to pickup it spends up to 24 hours in the uninsulated, unair conditioned mail warehouse here at the airfield. Afghanistan is equal parts hot in the summer and cold in the winter.
So far I haven't seen any lasting negative effects from the shipping process.
No offense, Jack, but I need to remind the rest of the BOTLs on this forum:
Guys, if you're smart you'll INSIST on having your purchases sent to you via USPS!! The worst experiences (and the most) I've ever had with delivery problems have been at the hands of UPS. Bar none. I've said this before but I'll repeat it for the guys who may not have read it, UPS evidently has a delivery schedule set up where they only deliver to certain neighborhoods on a given day. Where I live it appears to be Thursday. So if a package for me hits their warehouse on a Friday it's gonna sit there until the following Thursday before it gets delivered. That's a whole week of sitting there without proper temp/humidity attention.
Obviously I can't prove my theory but on the rare occasion when someone ships something to me via Ooops, it's always delivered on a Thursday. So wake up, guys. You CAN insist to your shipper that you want your package to come via the USPS.
I always try to be prepared for arriving packages so they do not sit out in the heat or adverse weather.
Sitting out isn't a problem where I live... it's getting the @$3"@ package delivered in a timely manner in the first place. And don't even mention damaged goods delivered to my by OOops. I had a framed, signed, and numbered collector's print delivered to me after it had been demolished. The glass and the frame were destroyed. Even the box it came in looked like it had been run over by a bulldozer. And there were "Fragile" stickers all over the package. I have other horror stories about those clowns but I won't bore you with 'em.....